Thursday, February 15, 2007

Say a prayer to Saint Patrick!!!

I think we may have successfully driven a snake out of city government!!

Word on the wire is that Mark Kurt is resigning as the CTO of Nagin's administration.

The unconfirmed report is that Nagin conducted an internal audit and subsequently asked Kurt to resign.

Can I get an AMEN brothers????

Meanwhile, here's my parting gift to him:


Anonymous said...

nice work D -

don't mess with with snake god. especially if you're a snake.

Anonymous said...

This is now confirmed on Somehow I just knew you'd be on top of it...

One quibble: If these people are to be compared to snakes, how did some of them manage to vacation on Maui? In Hawai'i, snakes are considered an alien invasive species and are not permitted to enter. :-)

Jason Brad Berry said...

they're sneaky bastards....they slither anywhere they can. One of 'ems in Australia right now...not sure how he cleared customs


LAW70 said...

The Honorable Dambala!! You RULE!! Things are about to get interesting down your way (mark my words). Way To Go!! I was watching WWLTV online this afternoon and burst out laughing because they had a segment with the Mayor of the Year (C. Ray)and one sista just about went off on him. This was wild and MUST SEE TV!! Good Stuff!! Like I said yesterday (I believe), keep doing what you are doing. One down and few more to go OR should I quote the Queen lyric, "Another One Bites the Dust".

Anonymous said...

Dude, you just rock. Should I throw my hat in again?

Jason Brad Berry said...

Bro, if you got the job then I'd have to bust your balls :)

Anonymous said...

'Tis a good day Dambala. Great work!

Anonymous said...

Dat's my zombie! Drinks on me!

Anonymous said...

You da man! Drinks on me.

bayoustjohndavid said...

You don't really believe Nagin conducted an internal audit and was shocked, shocked at what he found do you? I wonder if Nagin's worried enough to be covering his own butt.

Anonymous said...

dream ticket.

bart for mayor

ashley for cto

dambala for czar of eradication of bullshit

anybody else wanna throw somebodys hat in the ring for this ticket or come up with a name for the ticket.

thanks snakeman. hope your days are full of lounging on sunny rocks.

Anonymous said...


Sam Jasper said...

No, no, drinks on ME!! HURRAY for us. HURRAY for you! ::::::I happen to like snakes, but not the type you're talking about;;;;;;;;;St. Patrick rules! Throw me some green shamrock beads mister!:::::::forget that I'm still freezing from Muses!

WOW! A la Wayne's World: We're not worthy!

Sam Jasper said...

Oh yeah, and AMEN!

CB said...

you've inspired me to post a comment... great job dambala... keep up the outstanding work.

Jason Brad Berry said...


Of course not. He did it for the appearance of cleaning house. There's a lot going on behind the scenes which I haven't confirmed yet, but I believe it will unfold in the coming months.

I have faith we're gonna see some heads roll.

In the meantime....AFO, AFO, AFO, AFO


Anonymous said...

Wow, a lot of self important, patting yourself on the back here. Way to pile on with rumor and innuendo.
Ya'll should be very proud of how much "good" you do sitting around in with your random emails and slamming people. You are certainly making sure that New Orleans is all it can be. What a joke.

Jason Brad Berry said...

rumor and innuendo? Point that out for me, pal. Other than the unsubstantiated rumor that Nagin conducted an internal audit which I qualified as a rumor...I see facts.

I believe I am helping New Orleans to be all it can helping to expose all the bullshit that's been dragging us down decade after decade.

I do a lot more for this city than just write this blog, bro.

Sounds to me like I may have hit a little too close to home for you huh, S?

Your horrible syntax is a dead giveaway.