Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Nagin continues to funnel cash to his peeps while the the ship continues to take on water

Apparently the post on Nagin cleaning out the Imagine snakepit was a smokescreen. They're still squirming in public dollars and still sucking the system for all they can.

Ray...you are no better than any of the crooked bastards who came before you. If you're not going to clean your dirty house...I'm gonna put it on display.

Here's the prescient question....Who authorized 500 thousand post-K city dollars to be deposited to the Municipal Yacht Harbor Corp. ? And....where did that money go once it was deposited? Why is Meffert trying to become the chariman of that board?

We'll start there and work our way up to AFO Investments and exactly what real estate they're investing in.


Let me explain how sad this is. I just drove some folks around the city last night that were in town for the Cardiology Conference. They had been here before and couldn't believe how fucked up the city still is....and we were uptown, the part that isn't as fucked up as everything else.

They asked me why the streetcars weren't running. I told them "we're broke."

They asked me why the streetlights weren't working especially on St. Charles. I told them "we're broke."

They asked me why there are so many National Gaurd vehicles at their hotel (Holiday Inn-Superdome). I told them "we're broke".

Finally they asked me why doesn't the country know about this and why isn't this guy Nagin doing something to get the word out. I started to say because he's an idiot, but I stopped because as Chris Rose recently pointed out...it's a catch phrase and it's so obvious it's not worth saying anymore.

I thought a little harder about it and I had a small ephipany....."I don't think he cares....I really don't think he cares. I think he's only concerned with his own future and what he can get out of what's left of this city."

As sad as that sounds, I think it's true. I don't think he even cares. It's like we're on the sinking Titanic and Nagin and his crew are dragging the ship's safe out to their private lifeboat (or yacht)...all the while yelling "It's that damn iceberg's fault this ship is sinking! Don't look at us, it's not our fault....we're heros!"


Leigh C. said...

Yeesh. I'm finding I don't want to go too far into it all for visitors, myself. It's waaay too damn depressing, even if they need to hear it. Because I already know that when I say "Nagin is an idiot", they'll say, "YOU elected him," even though I didn't vote for him. Grrrrr...

Anonymous said...

Perfect, exactly right. That's what they're doing.

Sucking all they can out of NOLA while there's some marrow left to be sucked. Then, they leave to become board members for some corrupt corporation, because of their "unique experience" in looting a city.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is Municipal Yacht Harbor Corp. and what do they do?

Anonymous said...

ASHE' Dambala!

Do you have a date for the $500k? A month even? that would be a good start. As a partner to the city I have walked check requests through city hall and they generally need signoffs with head of finance, no? There would definitely be a paper trail there. it would be entertaining at least to know when this transfer happened.

Also I think we should start calling Meffert "boat boy." "boat boy, bring me my cocktail" "boat boy, bring me my lube" and so forth.

Maybe that can wait for Angola.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't anyone doing anything about this? As hard as it is to hear, it's also so sickening to believe this is being allowed to happen. My sheilds are up, I'm ready to fight! What can we do?

Jason Brad Berry said...


I will try and find a date when the money was deposited. Apparently there are MYHC board members that are aware of the transfer, but there seems to be some confusion as to how and why the money came in from the city and more importantly where it went.

I've also been informed that Shelly Midura is to some extent aware of the situtation as well.

I'm trying to find out more.


bayoustjohndavid said...

When I get more posted at new blog, it will be obvious just what kind of collective denial we've been in. What should have been his first scandal was dismissed as the doings of his "Billy Carter" brother-in-law. Funny how Nagin's Billy Carter-like embarrassment was later a paid consultant to his re-election campaign and a speaker at his second inauguration. Than, whatever questionable dealings were even acknowledged were blamed on Charles Rice. Now it will all be blamed on the technocrats that took advantage of the good mayor.

Sorry for the self-promotion, but I didn't plug the blog that offers my own opinions -- just reprinted articles.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Bro...you know you don't have apologize for linking anything.

I'm looking forward to what you have. Give me a heads up when you post.

Anonymous said...

Never, never give up saying Nagin is an idiot. Never, never give up telling people our story and not everyone voted for Ray. We cannot and will not be silent.

bayoustjohndavid said...

It's just old articles with no editing or commenting, most of them are articles that are no longer available online. The explanation for it is here and here.

The new blog is simply The Nagin Files. I think the 2002 La. Weekly article in the first link is an eye-opener.

Sharon said...

I have so much disdain for Mayor Nagin!!! Can't New Orleans do something about him?!! Geesh!!!! If he and Vitty Cent would do less talking and more action then stuff would be accomplished in New Orleans.....But why work when you can run around the entire state blaming every single thing on Governor Blanco.....I, at this point need to start contacting Henry Waxman because Nagin is blowing a hell of a lot of U.S. Tax payer's money with his lame brain schemes!!!!

Sharon said...

Ray Nagin irks me to no end so guess who had to bear the brunt of my weekend fury-none other but Senator Landrieu...I sent her about 20 pages of letters (rants) and everytime I got mad about something I threw in some plastic crawfish to the total of 19 of them....But in order to soften my blows I sent some Mardi Gras beads along with everything....I have been collecting the most wonderful beads ever since 2004....A lot of them get sent along with my letters to Congress to make sure they read my letters.....They are inexpensive "attention getters" Nagin is one person I'd love to see out of political office....I have nothing but disdain for the man....

Anonymous said...

Gerrrlll! Go on wit' yo bad self!! You know what they say...the sqeaky wheel gets the worm. Keep sending those letters...it might get someone's attention.

BAD DOG said...

Ok. it's not that I don't agree with the Nagin bashing as he could do more...we all could...what I have problems with is you don't see the forest for the trees. it's not why did they RETURN 500K to Municiple Yacht Harbor, it's why did they take the 1.8M (may be off by a few 100K but well over a million) of moneies that were to stay in the harbor...why was the harbor manager not using th emoney for up keep and just letting it run down like the projects...

My opinion they are sending money back so as not to get the feds looking into what they did with it in the first place...so you see your pissed about the crookc returning the loot...wrong ...you should just be pissed we have crooks in office.

someone that didn't leave the city and isn't leaving....