I'm still waiting...here....puss, puss, puss, puss....slither on out from under that rock and do something besides just hissing. How pathetic.
in the meantime, read this:
anonymous said...
Nagin is safe from federal prosecutors because he "wired up" to get dirt on his former Brass Hockey partners, Pimpy Bare and Rodney Roy, who were also contract cronies of Morial. Nagin did an "Ellenese," long before the school board president was disgraced. Your mayor secretly recorded conversations and got a "free pass," from the feds because they wanted dirt on Morial, who was a much more formidable (democrat) politician than Nagin could ever dream to be. Morial pulled Mary Landrieu through the narrowest election victory when Landrieu was first elected to the U.S. Senate in the mid 90s. . . Nagin's endorsement has proved to be the kiss of death for politicians looking to get elected to office.
No wonder people believe Karl Rove's fingerprints are all over the New Orleans "corrpution" investigation. Unfortunatly Rove's fingerprints and giving White House friendly Nagin a pass undermine the whole friggin system of justice and any faith we might want to have in it. We'll know it's fair when one of Nagin's cronies gets nailed (Mef, where are you?) because there are rotten apples in every bunch, and we all know that the holier than thou band of thieves Nagin has surrounded himself with has violated the law to line their own pockets.
and this:
bayoustjohndavid said...
I know that there's plenty of illegal stuff going on, some of the stuff involving professional services contracts that seems to be legal under state law might not be legal under the RICO law or other statutes involving quid pro quos (quids pro quo?), but it takes a long time for the illegal stuff to make it to court. In the meantime, people could do more to point out that blatant cronyism -- I think I'm the only person to point it out in the case of Metro disposal, the landfill deal and the garbage contracts. Public pressure can sometimes speed up the wheels of justice.
Morial was out of office before any of his cronies went to court, and I think Nagin is potentially far worse. Think about it, most liberals believe in some sort of minority preferences in government contracting. Most conservatives believe in privatizing government services when possible. But honest liberals admit to the potential for minority preferences to cover for graft and cronyism and honest conservatives admit the same about privatization. Nagin has been trying to privatize everything in sight and he signed an executive order mandating increased minority participation in government contracts last Summer. Nagin implicitly acknowledged the potential for graft when said, "with transparent spending policies in place..." before signing that order. Of course, his spending policies have been about as transparent as Mississippi River water.
1 comment:
wow. amazing stuff. all of it believable too.
and i'm still thinking about this threat from the previous post:
"I suggest you contact a lawyer, and quickly, if you choose to leave this on your website."
well let's see AZ, it's been almost 2 weeks and the post is still on the website. just wondering if you've been served a lawsuit or issued a cease and desist yet.
the answer pretty much says everything about anon.
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