Monday, August 27, 2007

I'm getting really worried about the homosexual community

They're being infiltrated by a wave of Republican perverts.

Idaho no


Anonymous said...

More Info on GOP Hypocrisy:

Anonymous said...

You forget one thing. Anonymous gay sex in public restrooms is fun.

Anonymous said...

The Homosexualist Community will survive. Please don't worry so much,AZ. It's gone through tougher times than these. And now that they have adapted those rolling briefcases for clandestine lewd activities in airports, I see the movement (foot taps, hand gestures) getting more and more popular and growing well beyond its current epicenter in the Republican Party, perhaps into the arts and women's basketball.

Anonymous said...

I don't think NASCAR America and the religious nuts can hate gays more than they already do. But maybe through the efforts of patriots like Senator Craig the Deliverance types will realize that with the exceptions of fashion sense and literacy and love of their fellow man homosexuals are their equals.

Jason Brad Berry said...

aren't you the optimist. you're hoping the chimpanzee becomes more aware of his primateness?

Unknown said...

All this makes me wonder how awful it must have been for the Nicholas Brothers whenever they had to use an airport restroom.

I hope Senator Craig has the sense to hire the Bruno & Bruno law firm to defend him, because he has certainly been screwed.