Well....really names faces. She slyly published pictures of a handful of officials on her website under the title "State Secrets Privilege Gallery". The U.S. Attorney General imposed a state secrets privilege order on her (essentially a gag order in the interest of "national security") to prevent her from revealing information on several high level domestic and international officials who she claims were involved in trading nuclear secrets with foreign governments including Pakistan. The names matching the pictures are as follows (per Cannonfire):
Pentagon and State Department officials:
Richard Perle: Chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee (2001-2003)
Douglas Feith: Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, 2001-2005; head of the Office of Special Plans (Pentagon intel/propaganda unit accused of using forged evidence); JINSA.
Eric Edelman: Principal Deputy Assistant to the Vice President for National Security Affairs (2001-2003); former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey (2003-2005); current Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.
Marc Grossman: United States Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (2001-2005)
Brent Scowcroft: Chairman of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (2001-2005). Founder of the Scowcroft Group and The Forum for International Policy.
Larry Franklin: Officer in the Office of Special Plans, guilty to disclosing classified information to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
Dennis Hastert: R-IL. House Speaker 1999-2005.
Roy Blunt: R-MO. House member from 1997
Dan Burton: R-IN. House member since 1983
Tom Lantos: D-CA. Representing San Mateo in the House since 1981
Bob Livingston: R-LA. House Member 1977-1999 - Currently serving as a lobbyist for the country of Turkey
Stephen Solarz: D-NY. House member 1975–1993
Pundits and Political Players:
Graham E. Fuller: RAND.
David Makovsky: WINEP. CFR. American scholar and Israeli journalist. Former editor of The Jerusalem Post
Alan Makovsky: WINEP. State Department veteran; specialist in Turkish affairs.
Yusuf Turani: grew up under harsh conditions in a labor camp in Eastern Turkistan, which was under the control of China. He later stayed in Saudi Arabia and Turkey, then moved to the United States, where he became a physics teacher and a musician. He has devoted himself to freeing his homeland
Professor Sabri Sayari: Georgetown, WINEP, RAND. Executive Director of the Institute of Turkish Studies and a Research Professor in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.
Mehmet Eymur: Connected to the MIT, Turkey's National Intelligence Organization (Turkey's CIA). Lukery incorrectly labels him the former head of the MIT; he actually directed the Department for Counter-Espionage. Forced out in 1987. Accused of involvement in the bloody Taksim Square Massacre of May 1 1977 and the March 30, 1972 Kizildere massacre. Linked with Operation Gladio, the Grey Wolves and other Turkish ultra-nationalist groups; see here, where he is accused of heading an "illegal group" within MIT.
Not a peep from the American MSM on this story. Amazing.
So why when I do a google news search today and yesterday and the day before, there are no hits. Google has been hushed. Interesting.
yeah it's got no coverage state side....but the foreign press is covering it. tell me we still live in a democracy.
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