....same as the old boss.
This is why I'm not an Obama supporter. The only thing he's going to "change" is his campaign promises. I refuse to vote for him. I'm voting for Nader....and don't tell me that's a vote for McCain, I don't want to hear it. As far as I'm concerned there is little difference between McCain and Obama....they're both corporate shills.
Supreme Court, anyone?
I'm pissed at Obama too, but I'm still going to vote for him, if for no other reason than he's reasonable.
I hear this "corporate shill" message a lot from the few Naderites still clinging to that withered corpse. Tell me, what corporations does Obama shill for?
When Ralph swears off the donations from the RNC, he can talk to me about being a shill.
I should have said oligarchy shill.
The only way I will cast a vote in this farce of a democracy were currently living in is if said candidate promises the first thing he/she will do when taking office is to roll back the criminal attacks against our constitution which have been committed in the past 8 years. I won't accept anything less...including Obama, and right now he is proving to be much less.
Nader has promised this...he gets my vote so far.
Barack Hussei nObama = 6 6 6 . Obama’s real name is Mabus. Obama is a muslim. His father and step-father are muslim, no matter what he says in the eyes of all muslims that makes him one. The muslims around the world support him, praise his name. They burn American flags and burn Bibles daily, screaming Death To America, but yet wouldn’t be able to handle and cry about it if they saw me doing the same thing to their flags or Koran. They can’t even handle a cartoon drawing, when I watch Jesus on South Park boxing Satan. lol anyway. This is a holy war. They are the enemies of Israel and that makes them the enemies of God. This war is a necessary war that must be fought in the name of God. The muslims around the world are waging this war with the Christians. They are set in their plans to destroy the West and Israel, to have Islam the world religion. Nostradamus talks of Obama. Obama is a muslim of middle-eastern background, ‘The Black One’, Mabus. He is the charming, charismatic, mesmerizing speaker that the devil is. The Bible talks of the anti-christ, Obama fulfills these prophecies. 3.5 years into Obama’s rule, around election 2012 we will see his true self and intentions. 2012 the Chinese year of the dragon in which divine happenings occur on earth. Dec 21 2012 when the sun rises into the center of our Milky Way galaxy and into the 13th zodiac of a man wrestling a snake, symbolizing a time of struggle with evil. Dec. 21 2012 the earth completes a precession on it's axis, causing shifting of poles and magnetic fields. The Mayans predicted a completion of a cycle and a new cycle of change begins. The four horsemen are riding right now. Watch the news, you ain't heard? Natural Disasters, World Hunger, Oil Crisis, on top of a Holy War. Obama’s plans and ideas for change are unrealistic and are just lies to brainwash the people to follow and believe in him. ‘Change We Can Believe In’, he wants people to ‘believe’ in him. Obama is the devil. The American people are blind to the obvious and are persuaded and subliminally influenced by his image and the medias portrayal of him. Obama is going to be America’s next president then soon after proclaim himself a world leader, to be worshiped and embraced as a god, It has been written. These are the end times. Obama is the devil. One Nation Under God, Not Allah!
...by the way....I am the antichrist....not Obama
Wow, are you 15 again? Because the difference between Obama and McCain could fill a global warming'd ocean, and this is from someone who's called Landrieu's office about a dozen times over the past week about FISA. A vote for Nader *is* a vote for McCain, and you know it, too, or you wouldn't have written the counterargument.
quite the contrary....I'm old enough to know bullshit when I see it.
I will vote according to my principles and beliefs, I don't give a shit who all the cool kids like. Obama clearly broke ranks from what I thought he stood for. He lost my vote.
Like the man said, "There is a difference between bad and worse, and it is far sharper than that between good and better."
"The man" in this case was Robert A. Heinlein.
Unfortunately I just haven't been able to Grok with Obama.
dude, we're talking about president of the united states of america. in 2008. just pick your shill.
"I will vote according to my principles and beliefs, I don't give a shit who all the cool kids like."
I don't want to be the last person holding back real democracy. It might not happen this year, but just in case it does I'm voting based on my principles and beliefs, too. It's sad some people see this as voting for the candidate that all the cool kids hate.
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