State Police to investigate missing evidence cash
Well a state legislative audit was conducted and the results are forthcoming. Turns out there is much, much more missing than just a measly 9k....and the audit only covered a single year.
The kicker is that there were multiple incidents. Chief Warren Riley was aware of this issue and never reported it to the District Attorney....that's illegal.
I used to be on the fence with I'm not so sure. Why would he conceal this?
On the fence about Riley? What have been his redeeming qualities?
I suspect he means on the fence as to whether Riley was actively corrupt or, as my favorite Cracker Barrel IQ test likes to call me, an "Just Plain Dumb."
Don't look now but there are approximately 6 FBI agents & 2 US Attorneys who have been at city hall since Monday. Their mission to retrieve all information that was deleted off the servers for key personnel.
Surprised the press hasn't dropped the nickle on this yet.
$200,000 missing.
Correction: $200K and counting
Correction on correction: they're not really counting it. They don't want to do that.
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