Thursday, December 03, 2009

I suspect Nagn will not return the favor and endorse him

Rob Couhig announces mayoral candidacy online

I'm actually glad Rob is getting in the race. He jazzes up the debates. He could never win, but I enjoy the rhetoric.

Speaking of rhetoric....when is Manny Chevrolet going to announce? I'm not sure how you top "a desperate man for a desperate city", but I can't wait to see his 2010 platform.


rcs said...

Manny's kicking off the campaign tonight at the Circle Bar, 7PM on. Musical guests Nattie, OLD and Country Fried.

Check him out on Facebook.

Leigh C. said...

A troubled man for troubled times, ya mean? 8-) My husband's been wondering when Manny's gonna throw his schtick in, too.

Clay said...

Oh, but if Nagin did endorse Couhig it would be just desserts. It's the kiss of death.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Nagin's peeps are in Troy Henry's camp.

Ricardo said...

Troy " Let's sell the airport and water supply- city can keep its shit" Henry?

Anonymous said...

Dambala, are they seriously supporting Troy Henry? Private water? Are they really that bad?

Jason Brad Berry said...

If by "they" you mean Nagin's peeps....yes. Henry has a core block, he is not to be taken lightly.