Monday, February 22, 2010

"I don't think that's a question I can answer"...

...said Zulu Vice President, Naaman Stewart, when asked about the terms of the $800,000 grant which was recently bestowed upon the organization by our mayor.

Well..then why don't we ask the guy who put the proposal together...who, as luck would have it, is the recipient of the contract to replace the Zulu headquarters. If anyone should understand the UDAG proposal, it should be this guy.

Who is that guy you ask?

Word on the Zombiewire is that it's none other than political operative Sherman Copelin. I'm really amazed he found the time to put that deal together while helping John Georges blow 3 million dollars for 9% of the mayoral vote. Maybe we need to make him CAO of the city, he really knows how to multitask.


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha ha!

Clay said...

"If he hasn't had to do it in the last seven years and nine months, it's pretty difficult to see why he has to do it now."

Oh, I can tell you why...

Unknown said...

My veriword "woode"

As in, "Woode y'all mind standing back, I have only 68 days left to hose money out of City Hall."

Unknown said...

Veriword: grachip As in

Ya'll best stop fussin. Just givin Sherm a lil gra chip. betta than beads, the brother can cash the chip.