I am officially declaring the phrase, "politics of the past" dead as a doornail. The politics of the past are no longer a part of our present, so stop using the term...it's gone....it has no future...I'm tired of hearing it....stop it...that means you too, Mrs. Guidry.
I would say that phrase officially died with Jay Batt's political career...write that date on the mausoleum headstone:
Here lies "Politics of the Past" - We saturated the political landscape with your anti-nostalgic notions of corruption, nepotism, and ineptitude. We milked you like a Kleinpeter heifer. We tapped you like a keg of Turbodog at a Jazzfest crawfish boil. We paraded you more than Drew Brees, and like him, you flawlessly performed your duties. Go gently into the night dear adage, but do go.
RIP - birth date unknown - March 6, 2010
Now that doesn't mean we can't zombiefy it one day....
Sooo, does this now make you:
The Zombie Pundertaker?
Can we bury it in the same box with "Move forward" and "Best practices"?
Please also add "as it relates to." I beg you.
Before we fill the grave, can we please toss in "it is what it is" and "drink the koolaid"
Also, throw in "at the end of the day."
Hmm, my word verification was guity, which I read as guilty. Yep, that's me.
worst thing is i'm pretty sure V. Blanque said the quote that will henceforth remain unspoken.
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