Friday, September 03, 2010


Short break. 

The crypt is busting at the seems....bones are pushing their way up out of the earth.

Hold tight while I dance with Dambala. 


Ricardo said...

And the Governor of Arizona said that she got reports of you headless ilk in the desert. I say its just torsal profiling.
It must have really happened. That is the only logical explanation for her brain farts.

Varg said...

Sounds like Holt Cemetery!

Anonymous said...

that's a rather cryptic post.

Leigh C. said...

Do whatcha gotta do...but c'mon back.

Anonymous said...

I think it might have been a typo, but I loved the idea of "busting at the seems".

I envisioned you sorting through all these "seems" to offer us a sound, truthful story.

Or, those "seems" could be multiple universes, infinite possibilities, and you are "bursting" with them, and a Zombie sized Big Bang is in the offing.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Actually just kentucky grammar shines through. Really bad metaphor too, but it was 2 in the morning when I posted it.