Read this comment...I've been waiting for it to come in:
Anonymous said...
Speaking of donations...You can add on the $1.85 million for educational software (GoalView from LTI & CIBER) that the New Orleans taxpayers so lovingly paid for, which ended up being given to Chicago Public School's. That is the same Chicago where the Nagin fundraiser was held and the same Chicago that CIBER gave untold amounts of work to Mark St. Pierre & crew. You can thank Ed Burns, CIBER, Nagin & crew for keeping themselves before the people and city of New Orleans.
I've got some documentation coming which attests to this fact. I've just been tied up with another bullshit move BP and the oil and gas industry is trying to pull in this legislative session.
This may be the smoking gun on Nagin and Ciber. While I haven't been able to directly trace back this loop, what I can tell you is that the City of New Orleans paid 1.85 mill for the Learning Tree (Ciber subsidiary) Software package to Ciber and we never received it. Curiously enough, that same software package was donated to the City of Chicago shortly before Ray Ray flew up there for a very successful fundraiser....plane tickets paid for on the MeffCard.
Hold tight...I have some dox you will be interested in....and maybe even some names.
Not long after this went down, CIBER started pimping themselves as K thru 12 software integrators. In fact, starting around this same time, CIBER began publishing in their annual reports and other press related items, that they were actively involved with a new K thru 12 software initiative; naming many cities they were placing this software in. Who knows, since the software only cost CIBER $100K initially, but they charged NOLA $1.85 million, maybe they were able to donate the software package to other cities as well…just a thought.
Are you fucking serious? NOLA taxpayers may have paid for educational software that was then donated to Chicago to grease some wheels? Dude.
Stockades. That's what we need for these guys. I said it on and I'll say it again. We need to throw these fuckers in stockades in front of City Hall and pelt them with tomatoes (but not Creole tomatoes, because those are the good ones), and maybe horsewhip them too.
They need to be held accountable, to be humiliated. As in being forced into a state of humility. And that's something that clearly isn't happening if St. Pierre is comfortable rolling up in a Mercedes with a smirk on his face. I'd like to kick that smirk off his face. We have fought so hard to bring this city back from the brink, and all these guys cared about was feeding at the trough like a cabal of devil-swine.
Stockades. Horse-whupping. Oodles of restitution and jail time.
5/9/06 CHI Sun-Times:
>>>New Orleans mayor pulls in $500,000 at fund-raiser here: Predicts 'explosion of activity' this summer as Big Easy rebuilds
Fighting to rebuild his city and keep his job, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was in Chicago on Monday night for a re-election fund-raiser that organizers say netted a half-million dollars.
During the downtown event, organized by some of Chicago's top African-American elected and business leaders, the mayor painted a picture of a New Orleans on the mend: homeowners gutting and rehabbing devastated homes and tourists returning to events such as last week's Jazz Festival.
"I expect this summer to be an explosion of activity as the city of New Orleans comes back," Nagin said as an evening reception on the 40th floor of the Prudential building was getting under way.
Nagin talked with reporters about everything from a book critical of his tenure -- particularly his response to Hurricane Katrina -- to a reported surge in crime around Houston, a destination for so many displaced New Orleans residents who flocked to the city after Katrina.
He called The Great Deluge by Douglas Brinkley, a historian at Tulane University, an inaccurate and "well-timed political hit".
As for Houston, he stayed away from the possibility New Orleans residents might be responsible for the upswing in crime, but he did say he knew of New Orleanians who had been crime victims there, adding that this should be a time when people reach out and help each other.
Nagin ran in a crowded field of mayoral candidates during April's primary election. While he was the top vote-getter, he failed to get the majority needed to seal a victory. He'll be in a run-off later this month against Louisiana Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu.
"That's the main thing tonight -- it's why we're here, to get him re-elected," said Chicagoan Richard Reels, who was among about 200 guests, some paying upwards to $1,000 to attend.
Lovely views and live jazz were the backdrop as Nagin -- a well-connected businessman catapulted to the job of mayor just four years ago -- moved through the crowd easily sharing laughs and taking questions from the likes of Bill Payton, president of of Creative Mortgage USA and former Chicago Mayor Eugene Sawyer, both event organizers.
"I was just so impressed how he stood so tall [after the hurricane], when he wasn't getting any help from the governor and he wasn't getting any help from the president," said Louisiana native and Clerk of the Circuit Court Dorothy Brown.
Nagin said he was in town to remind the estimated 7,000 New Orleans residents who relocated to Chicago after Katrina to vote in the May 20 election; they can do so by fax or absentee ballot.
And he was here to listen to what voters had to say about the rebuilding efforts.
"They want to see a city that is updated and upgraded [better than] before Katrina," Nagin said. "They want to see a safer city. They'd like to see some of the neighborhoods come back much stronger."
Eustis Guillemet Jr. was forced out of New Orleans by the storm and is now living on the West Side.
"I'm here to support the mayor because he's the right man for the job -- he was there before, he was there during . . . and he was there after," said the 72-year-old Guillemet, an Amtrak employee.
As for his own future, Guillemet said he would be moving back to New Orleans soon.
"I have to." <<<
Lisa Donovan,
- Sobieski
i keep thinking ive seen it all , in my 50 years here.
all i can say is fucking wow.
i love you man.
The School Board - not the city - is supposed to pay for all things educational, including software. So why weren't the red flags flying from day one on this?
It makes that something was transacted up in Chicagoland, because the fundraiser probably didn't pull down between 250-500k, as the Sun Times reported.
Remember-- the news story is based on what the organizers are telling the journalist, during a campaign. Have to take it with a grain of salt, because the Nagin camp might've wanted to scare Mitch into doing less campaigning and more last minute fundraising.
Now, I didn't buy the 500k figure, but I sure as HELL never expected this ridiculousness to come out, after the campaign reports were filed:
T-P (July 06)
"Finally, the latest reports put to rest a lingering mystery of the campaign: How much money did Nagin raise at a well-publicized May 8 fund-raiser in Chicago? The answer: $5,950, according to the reports.
"That's about 1 percent of what organizers told the Chicago Sun-Times that the event netted. In a story about the fund-raiser, the newspaper quoted Nagin's hosts as saying the mayor had brought in $500,000. About 200 people attended, some of whom paid as much as $1,000 each, the story said.
"Days after that story was published, Nagin said it was inaccurate and exaggerated the fund-raiser's size, but he declined to say how much he raised. On the day of his inauguration, which featured the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Dorothy Brown of Chicago as speakers, Nagin said the event had brought in about half as much as media reports indicated, or $250,000"
That number was totally absurd-- much MUCH crazier on the low side than the 500k figure was on the high side.
BSJD and I had a conversation about it in the comments at this post
The bottom line is, you don't drop everything in the heat of a tough Mayoral race (polling was notoriously unreliable then-- it was almost impossible to know where one truly stood) and fly to Chicago unless you damn well know that it's going to be worth your while. And even if the fundraiser doesn't meet expectations, and you tell the press that you raised 250-500k, how the hell do you only report 5k afterwards, with a straight face? I never understood that.
So, there was no explanation that didn't stink to high heaven. So, even if the Chicago fundraiser wasn't a highly "successful" fundraiser in the conventional sense, it was still lucrative-- $2 million in software to Chicago, in exchange for what, Rainbow/Push assistance in major evacuation centers throughout the country? And/or $250-500k in unreported campaign (read: street) money?
Even if the accounts of the fundraiser didn't change radically pre and post election, the official line is so implausible that ya gotta think SOME sort of under the table exchange occurred that night-- it's the only thing that makes sense.
Documenting it would be just desserts.
Unless Chicago was just one small piece of the Ciber pie.
I don't know...I'm trying to figure it out to, bro.
Guys, fyi, besides the report from Chicago - why would the Sun Times make up a $500K figure? Why? - you might also want to note this link which puts Ciber & GoalView as coming to Chicago in August 2005... not so close to the fundraiser, not too far away, but also BEFORE Katrina:
Please also note the Chicago pols involved in actually hosting the fundraiser and making it happen:
Bill Payton, president of of Creative Mortgage USA
Chicago Mayor Eugene Sawyer
Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown
--- Who are these three people and who are they connected to? Who profits in Chicago from this fundraising?
this is the not the Dallas conspiracy that so many have so frequently bandied about.
Thanks - Sobieski
love the picture with meff at the bottom.
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