Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Comment Bump....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Carry on here....nothing to see...":

>>>"The terms of the loan mentioned in the article are contained in a signed note related to a piece of property. That loan is due and will be satisfied in October of this year.<<<


Er, which piece of property is that, Garl? 

And I'd follow that with the comment Styborski just left on my FB page:

Michael Styborski OK, hearing now that the loan was to help out until they sold a property in St Tammany (7 Riverdale Drive). According to the ST assessor website ( http://www.stassessor.org/
assessor.php ), the lot is assessed at $9775, so that's what… about $90k max? Wish I knew how to pay off a quarter-mil with 90K…

This explanation tomorrow should be a work of art....we're going to find out just how good of an artist Garland really is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the lot was purchased for $230k and is for sale at $250k. the lot, as many properties in st tammany owned by connected persons, is under appraised. you wont hear gnarland talking smack about assessor core as zurik does.