...Trout Point Lodge crew and Randall Cajun mourn...
4 years in prison for New Orleans corruption figure with Nova Scotia ties
Also...this timeline is a must read on Slabbed.
4 years in prison for New Orleans corruption figure with Nova Scotia ties
"Before the massive political corruption scandal that rocked all of New Orleans, Broussard was most well-known for his shameful and histrionic display of "crocodile tears" on national television in the USA following the Katrina disaster in New Orleans. It was charged by some that Broussard's actions in the wake of Katrina caused tens of millions of dollars in damages to hundreds of New Orleans properties due to avoidable flooding."Crocodile tears, indeed...
Also...this timeline is a must read on Slabbed.
I live in Alabama. When my sister, Cayne was killed at OPP in 2009, I went off the deep end trying to make sense of how things work in New Orleans. Trying to figure out why? How? What the Hell is going on here?
I spent several years scouring the internet, reading anything and everything that had to do with law enforcement and politics in NOLA. It has been an eye-opening experience.
During my OCD research period, I discovered the New Orleans blogosphere and I was in awe. The best anywhere. What you and all the other bloggers have accomplished is amazing. Outstanding. I love it.
It makes me hopeful that soon, justice can be served up to all these greedy, corrupt rat bastards who suck the life out of good people. I'm watching them go down one, two, three at a time. You guys expose the bad guys and force law enforcement to take action. I, for one, truly appreciate what you do. Thanks. For real.
Thank you, mam!
Reading that timeline on slabbed makes me wonder just how much the local media was(is) in bed with corrupt figures.
It made me wonder who isn't in bed with corrupt figures.
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