Friday, March 08, 2013

And now we know...

...If you have enough money you can operate above the law.

BREAKING: Sources say feds dropping River Birch probe, charges against Fazzio, Titus 

Thanks a lot Department of Justice....heckuva job, Brownie!

I hope the headline to this story is "Criminals throughout the city rejoice".

Excuse me while I go puke.

I guess this is what we can expect from our DOJ in the post-Letten era.  Shouldn't they go ahead and let Nagin off now as well?  Shouldn't they let St. Pierre out?  Broussard?  What about Dollar Bill?

What about Henry Mouton?

I do want to thank the FBI agents that worked their ass off on this case...seriously.  But the U.S Attorney's office....fucking pathetic.  All of the progress we've made in the past few years is now turned on its head.

Obviously crime pays about a billion dollars in Heebe's case.  Fuck this....does anyone want to bribe me?  Apparently I've been a huge fool.  


Anonymous said...

Wow. Documents showing media and political figures in Heebe's pocket, with the actual $ (if I remember correctly). And that's only for starters. How is it that Garland Robinette is the only one who really had to face any heat?

oyster said...

"I guess this is what we can expect from our DOJ in the post-Letten era."
"But the U.S Attorney's office....fucking pathetic. All of the progress we've made in the past few years is now turned on its head."

Not quite sure I follow your reasoning here, as it sounds like your blaming the interim USA office and the DOJ "post-Letten." The presumed reasons for the dropped case and probe-- evidence tamp, online shenanigans, prosecutorial misconduct-- all occurred during "the past few years" when Letten reigned. Who knows what the future holds, but this nauseating result, in my view, can be put squarely at the foot of Letten, Perricone, Mann and perhaps a couple other longtime guns at USA-EL.

Jason Brad Berry said...

No that's not what I'm implying. I'm blaming the U.S. Attorney's office in general but I'm saying it's pathetic that they dropped the case.

oyster said...

I'd say it's pathetic that they screwed the case up so badly that they felt they had to drop it.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Thatt mag be true too but I would rather have seen them try the case and lose it than simply drop it. They had Mouton admitting he took bribes and distributed bribes. For them to simply drop the entire case is more pathetic to me than misfiling evidence and the commenting issue.

Jason Brad Berry said...

And I'm not sure where your getting "evidence tampering" from. What I read was that it was mishandled. I am under the impression that tampering implies there was a purposeful intent to altar evidence.

Jason Brad Berry said...

You're ..sic....on phone

oyster said...

I'm referring to the "pen" and "white out" episodes described by Lemann (obviously biased, but not necessarily untruthful) at the end of this WWL radio interview (Yes I understand the source, too). Still:

"A couple of weeks ago, our experts met with the FBI...and they would only let our experts look at the pen recorder. They wouldn't let them do any kind of test. Well, we went back before (the federal Magistrate Judge,) and she ordered that this afternoon at 2:30, our experts were going to meet again with the FBI agents, and they were either going to agree to allow our team to examine this, or she was going to order it at 2:30 this afternoon...that we would have the right to examine this pen recorder to see if anything had been deleted."

They drop charges right before they had to hand over the pen/mic?

The white out episode is at the end of the article. Not sure if the sign in sheet was officially evidence, when it was tampered with, but it was definitely tampered with.

Jason Brad Berry said...

I hadn't seen that. The white out issue is certainly tampering.

bruthas_back said...

I had a feeling this day would be coming. No way the Feds wanted to try this case. quit while you're not as far behind as you could be.

The real question is if any other cases could affected by this decision?

jeffrey said...

Yeah well Clancy says it's all okay because, in the future, it will discourage people from being "petulant" on the internet.

"The immediate reaction in many quarters was that the lengthy probe was a waste of time because it came to naught. That’s not entirely true. While the feds didn’t nab Heebe, the landfill owner bagged a passel of errant federal prosecutors by exposing Sal Perricone and Jan Mann for unprofessional, unethical and possibly illegal actions in connection with their acerbic — and petulant — online commentaries."

So, you know, silver linings.

Jason Brad Berry said...

BB, You called it all along. Two days ago I would have said you're you're a genius.

J, Yeah...well...forgive me if I can't see the silver linings for the hailstorm raining down in my face.

Anonymous said...

Clancy Dubos is a first class douche who is aligned with the Heebes. So, his impartiality is along the lines of that other pretentious windbag, Garland Robinette.

Just disgusting. My dog could have prosecuted that ham sandwich!

Jason Brad Berry said...

That's not true. Dubos is not "aligned" with the Heebes. Criticize him all you want but there is no Garland Robinette connections between Dubos and Heebe.

Jason Brad Berry said...

connection....- the s.