Monday, February 24, 2014

Caught in the act

Turns out my good bud and kick-ass international photojournalist Charley Varley actually snapped some face shots of one of the dickweeds who attempted to steal the Banksie.  The guy said his name is "Chris"...if anyone knows who this f'ker is let it be known.


Anonymous said...

Dude! Profiteer! Fame is going to suck for you!

Send to Fark Raw Story and Boing Boing to help make this douchenozzle a viral hit.

Clay said...

Um. He looks like Steve Bartman.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Who is Steve Bartman?

Italian Beef soaked with IL Primo Giardiniera said...

lol! kind of!!!

Anonymous said...

Banksy "art handler" in photo identified, warrant issued.

Arrest warrant issued after artwork defaced

unlike the cryptic painter, now has a name: Christopher Sensabaugh

NolaManBlog said...

It's George Constanza with a shave.