Friday, December 05, 2014

The Cassidy conundrum


Wesley1066 said...

Since your brutha CenLamar is leaving my comment in "awaiting moderation" purgatory, I'll post my reply here.

There is no trail from the “two to three times a week” that Claude Pirtle spent talking with Bill Cassidy to the 5 hours Cassidy logged on March 11th or the 5 hours Cassidy logged on March 25th. As you state, the article “does not provide any apparent legitimate academic rationale for Dr. Cassidy to claim these meetings as billable to LSU.” But, since there is nothing that provides any apparent legitimate indication that these meetings WERE billed to LSU, the rest of your discussion falls apart.
On the other side of the discussion, if Bill Cassidy was logging these meetings as “Clinical Services or Resident Supervision” time, there would have been “two or three times a week” that he entered to cover the meetings with Pirtle.
The only other way you could be trying to view this would be that under either LSU’s rules or the House Ethics rules, the ONLY way Bill Cassidy is allowed to speak with a LSU Medical Resident is under the circumstances of Resident Supervision and that the mere moments spent taking a picture with Bill Cassidy and Claude Pirtle on capital hill would be a violation of the “no non-academic contact” clause.

lil'oya said...

I responded @ CenLamar.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Don't even worry about it, he's a crony.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the "awaiting moderation" purgatory. I had to put in place some quality controls, because my site was getting spammed for a long, long time.

Clay said...

I liked you even before you were a cool famous person: