Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Wisner grant allocations...blah, blah...just fuck it

Here's this because I promised it...to the few folks I know who care:

Wisner grant allocation for 2014?  or is it 2015?

It's all fucked up...a bunch of political patronage from the mayor.  I could explain it all to you but you'd just browse over it, shake your head, and go get your Mardi Gras on.


bruthas_back said...

fradella only gets one year... lmao...

Calph said...

Interesting stuff. So the grants that jump out here are Ceasefire NOLA, the Mayoral Fellows, and the Network for Economic Opportunity- they collectively account for 30% of the disbursements here.

Ceasefire is one of Landrieu's pet projects of course. They do a lot of slick PR, but from what I've seen of their actual program activities they mostly do things like meetings, panels, partys, and community town halls. In other words, they don't seem to be addressing their stated goal of violent crime reduction in any meaningful ways. Waste of money.

I'd love to see what the Mayoral Fellows money is actually spent on. It certainly sounds like a cynical ploy to prop up the city's staffing budget, and perhaps even to provide a backdoor to hiring friends and cronies into the civic government. Paying for it through a fund that's supposed to go to civic improvement projects is indefensible.

The Network for Economic Opportunity is a new initiative by the city government and also appears to be one of Landrieu's pet projects. Supposedly it's all about creating more jobs and bringing bigger/better businesses into the commercial strip along S. Claiborne Ave. Aside from the highly dubious practice of funding personal projects through the nominally private Wisner Fund, this program seems like it will involve a lot of poorly disclosed public/private partnerships, so it should be watched very carefully for evidence of corruption.

In the interest of full disclosure, I work for one of the nonprofits that received a Wisner grant from this round of funding.

Calph said...

Interesting stuff. So the grants that jump out here are Ceasefire NOLA, the Mayoral Fellows, and the Network for Economic Opportunity- they collectively account for 30% of the disbursements here.

Ceasefire is one of Landrieu's pet projects of course. They do a lot of slick PR, but from what I've seen of their actual program activities they mostly do things like meetings, panels, partys, and community town halls. In other words, they don't seem to be addressing their stated goal of violent crime reduction in any meaningful ways. Waste of money.

I'd love to see what the Mayoral Fellows money is actually spent on. It certainly sounds like a cynical ploy to prop up the city's staffing budget, and perhaps even to provide a backdoor to hiring friends and cronies into the civic government. Paying for it through a fund that's supposed to go to civic improvement projects is indefensible.

The Network for Economic Opportunity is a new initiative by the city government and also appears to be one of Landrieu's pet projects. Supposedly it's all about creating more jobs and bringing bigger/better businesses into the commercial strip along S. Claiborne Ave. Aside from the highly dubious practice of funding personal projects through the nominally private Wisner Fund, this program seems like it will involve a lot of poorly disclosed public/private partnerships, so it should be watched very carefully for evidence of corruption.

In the interest of full disclosure, I work for one of the nonprofits that received a Wisner grant from this round of funding.

Anonymous said...

How about just discussing the three largest allocations: CeaseFire New Orleans ($348,600), Mayoral Fellows Program ($233,837), and The Network for Economic Opportunity ($250,000). The average size of all others was a little over $18,000, while these three average over $275,000.
The Mayoral Fellows Program sounds like a complete sham organization for hiring campaign workers. The other two have decent sounding goals, but then again how many times have we seen social organizations like these turn out to just be a way to employ the families and supporters of insiders while providing "services" with little to no value in comparison to payroll & overhead costs, or a vehicle for subsidizing labor & other costs for businesses owned by insiders? The Mayoral Fellows Program sounds like a Ray Nagin idea. I think I saw a fairly suspect scholarship program somewhere in there too (Possee something).

Anonymous said...

Mike Sherman was a Mayoral Fellow....