Friday, January 12, 2007

At Da March....

Editor B. kicks ass! Nagin don't want no part of the wrath of B. The CNN interview was great too....they nailed his ass. Congratulations and a big thank you to B!

So here's a vid I put together of the march....I tried to track down as many bloggers as I could, but I obviously didn't do a very good job. Although I accidentally ran in to Schroeder, but I didn't use his interview as I don't want to blow his alias as opposed to his superhero identity :) This blogging business is top secret for some of us.

Unfortunately you may have to wait a few minutes on the QT video for download...I forgot to set it as a progressive file...and I'm too lazy to fix it....sorry


Anonymous said...

The video is a great piece of documentation.

Anonymous said...

Unflippinbelieveable. That's so excellent, Ashe. The best. Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Too bad I didn't run into you...I did talk to that guy that was trying to make this a racial thing (not Jeffrey, the guy that actually showed up), and he refused to believe that a bunch of us were there because of Dinerral Shavers.

His loss.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Thanks guys, all though I really fucked this video up because I was so rushed.

I was lookin all over for you Ashley...but I wasn't sure what you looked like.

Anonymous said...

Red shirt, beret and snare drum in the bottom pics on this post. If you'd known what to look for, I bet you could have found the good Dr. M! Dang. I would have liked to see that interview.

I don't think you fucked anything up, darlin'. I loved it.

George "Loki" Williams said...

Ashley, Dambala, I will introduce you since I know you both.

Zombie-boy, your vid is getting pushed by my editor at P&M, chek out what Nathan had to say:

Rushed, maybe. Excelent, definetly. Thats the kind of undead journalism we need right now!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed you there.

Schroeder said...

Effed up? I don't think so. You covered a lot of bases -- more than the friggin' dumbasses on commercial news stations.

Sam Jasper said...

Bravo! I'll be linking to it shortly. Well done!

Anonymous said...

It blows away anything the "professional" journalists have done.

And I tend to agree, Riley may not be the biggest problem...

Anonymous said...

Question: Are there dots that connect the following recently publisized issues? (1) Citizens are marching on the BESE Board for failure of the state to improve the old system of providing education (2) A news report stating 40% of the students enrolled in public schools as unattended minors whose parents remain out of state and who are fending for themselves.(3) By what number are abandoned youths growing in number in New Orleans monthly and how are they surviving? (6) Is it or is it not against the law to abandon your children? What has been the response of the state in addressing the breaking of this law within the boundaries of New Orleans?(7) Is there a system of accountability for monitoring school registgration and other educational system policies, such as who may register for school and walk the streets of New Orleans?(8)Did we not keep a tight enough rein on the old school board, and are we doing a better job of asking the most salient of questions and demanding a higher level of accountability for the ripple effect of how schools are run? Are there related social issues? (9) Do the reports of the majority murdered and the faces of those ojn the news arrested for crimes look younger than they use to? (10)The city has a crippled infrastructure, are there aspects of how rebuilding an educational system adding to the stress of this crippled infrastructure i addition to the seemingly uncaring inaction of New Orleans leadership? (11) Why would someone be in a position of feeling the need to be somewhat cryptic in the manner this response is being presented?---Applause to the New Orleans Blogger World, your contributions are immeasurable, and to the many citizens groups around New Orleans who are working with great intent and focus on rebuilding. Keep up the valient effort, and thank you for asking the important questions. Sometimes the reasons for social issues are a weave of circumstances rather than coming from a single circumstance. Thank you all again for your presence in this city. To the man who has been here for generations, it would be so sad to see you and the many good people of this city go away. We need you.

Jason Brad Berry said...

We are you, Anon...we are you.

Bravo on this post....bravo.