Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cynthias get a reprieve...

Word has it that LA. Senator Derrick Shepard is the next to be summoned to the gallows....execution date is set for Monday.


Anonymous said...

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Disregarding his shenanigans as an elected official, in the few times I've actually met Shepard at our neighborhood association meetings he's struck me as a real jerk.

Anonymous said...

I have the full inside scoop on the entire Bodenheimer/Marcott/Copeland cases. I am going to be the first and only one to break the entire full detailed story and I might do it here too.

Uncle Fester-

Jason Brad Berry said...

Bring it on

oyster said...

This potential news about Sheppard is the best thing I've heard in a LOOONG time.

I lost a file of dirt on him that was about as thick as the yellow pages in the floodwaters.

Anonymous said...

Let it all hit the fan...

And I heard an unsubstantiated, unsourced, hardly reliable rumor that Willard-Lewis was to be the next on the block. Could there be a two-fer?

jeffrey said...

Jesus there won't be anyone left BUT C-Ray... and then he'll have to run for Governor.

Anonymous said...

This guy was in law school at the same time I was...He stole money from the Black Association of Law Students before he graduated. This guy is through-and-through a crook.