Wednesday, February 13, 2008

tell me it's not funny


Anonymous said...

It's not funny.

Anonymous said...

What's not funyy? No link!

Jason Brad Berry said...

I have no idea...I got fucked up with Humid Haney last night and I made a drunk post, which I obviously forgot to write. I have no idea what I was talking about.

Anonymous said...

LMAO. Now it's funny.

Jason Brad Berry said...

it is too

George "Loki" Williams said...

Hugely amusing!
Give me a ring, lost your digits in a cell phone meltdown.

Jason Brad Berry said...

yup...i'm still laughing

because i think i remembered the post.

Jason Brad Berry said...

but it's not that funny if i Post it. the fact that i forgot it is much more funny.

Jason Brad Berry said...

but i'm quite sure it was brilliant. you know.