Someone within Muppet's cabal has flopped and filled the Feds in on (at least some of) his numerous transgressions. Anthony Jones? Word is no. Could it be someone on the A-Team...St. Pierre, Kurt, Drake? It would seem those folks would best benefit each other by keeping their mouths I'm seriously doubting that possibility. My guess is that an underling within the city IT/MIS department is the most likely suspect.
With that in mind...Anon #3 in the comment section of the previous post made this connection:
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Yeah, I know, I know...":
Ok, you'll enjoy this:
If you look up the Logistix website on a Who Is search the domain is registered to Michael LaFrance at the same address as Logistix. Well, guess what, LaFrance also appears in the Nagin email story from the 3/5/09 TP online from some random blogger "Popmartian" as follows:
"--Mayor's Office of Technology--
M. Harrison Boyd - Interim Chief Technology Officer Heads up the Office of Technology Anthony Jones - MIS Enterprise Director He currently is responsible records management. Janice Darby - MIS Project Lead She is Responsible for Data Networking, Voice and Email, etc…
Dalta Watts - Software Security She is the manager of Passwords
Michael Lafrance, IT Systems Operator Works in the Main Server Room"
Pure speculation...but the fact that Lafrance is the registrar for Logistix URL and the city IT Systems Operator tells us that he either 1. Did a favor for Muppet and crew or 2. Is moonlighting with Muppet and crew or 3. Muppet had him register the Domain while working for the city....which would mean Muppet had him doing private work on the city's dime.
Regardless...I'm betting Lafrance has some very interesting stories. I AM NOT SUGGESTING HE HAS DONE ANYTHING ILLEGAL. I'm just bringing to light this connection and that it's a rather curious thing. He has been with the IT department since 2002...the beginning of the Nagin/Muppet dynasty. But with a face like this:

I can't imagine him being up to much. He looks like he's 16.
Michael...if you're out there and have any insight you'd like to provide...I'm all ears.
Honestly...I think any one of the above listed names...and maybe all of them...could be coughing up dirt to save their own asses.
Oh and while we're digging into the City technology staff....check this out:

Can we get an audit on how many Pastors we have working in city government?
Are we running a ministry or a city?
More does a pastor become qualified to become an IT specialist? Or for that matter, how does a pastor become qualified to be (and the irony here is just too thick to even joke about) a child abuse detective. What a great idea....put the clergy in charge of investigating child abuse.
I just watched Bill Maher's "Religulous" (which I highly recommend) so I'm a little sensitive to the subject right now.
If you think only one person is working with the Feds you would be wrong. If someone called me who was involved in this I would be checking to see if they were wired. LMAO
Great stuff. I'd love to keep rounding out the rest of the IT staff.
WDSU reported that several city hall employees are looking for legal representation. I guess those would be IT employees LOL!
thanks Dambala. I needed that this morning. Heads need to start rolling GDmit! Keep pushing!
About LaFrance, his image is a little different, here:
And here (oh yes, he's twittering...):
Name Michael LaFrance
Location New Orleans LA USA
Web http://www.linked...
Bio Telecom pioneer, technology enthusiast and political junkie. Consulting to high growth companies keeps
Then search "Community Connect, Inc." Doesn't look like "Opie" much anymore.
I think that is a different Michael lafrance. I think there are two. But they both just happen to be in the IT world.
Religulous should be required viewing material for high schoolers.
Yet ANOTHER preacher / cop takes shots at Head????
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