Monday, April 13, 2009

From an excellent post by Lord David

Governing by Chaos; a City in Shambles

Then read this particular comment
which made my spidey sense tingle:

MyMayorSucks Says:

I remember when Nagin came to Memphis to try and do some dealing with a couple of guys that were in the auction business. One of them, Dennis Churchwell, who owned Mid-South Auction and Real Estate on Elvis Presley Blvd., who is presently getting ready to go to the federal pen for perjury, told me that he could get anything he wanted from Nagin. He said that Nagin signed off on all the contracts to pull all the flood damaged cars from NO. He said it was all about the money with Nagin.

Nagin came to town one weekend and Mr. Churchwell said that he put him up at the Peabody Hotel downtown. Churchwell claimed that he had bought two penthouse suites downtown to give to Nagin for future contracts, but somehow that fell through and the penthouses had to be sold. Anyway, these two guys brought a ton of water damaged cars into Memphis and sold them without titles to unsuspecting buyers at the auction. They also sold quite a few overseas.

Anyway, if the feds are following any of these blogs, and I’m sure they do, then Churchwell would probably be someone to talk to right now, being that he is fixing to sit his fat ass in a cell here shortly. He claimed that he could get anything he wanted from Nagin and that he had his personal cell phone number should he need anything. Churchwell claimed that he gave Nagin an Escalade as a present when he came to Memphis.

I have to keep in mind though that Dennis Churchwell is the biggest blowhard I have ever run up on, but he did get all the cars he wanted from NO and he didn’t have the Escalade after Nagin left Memphis, so who knows.

Bottom line is Nagin is another greedy scumbag politician just like our Mayor here in Memphis. Memphis mayor Willie Herenton is just the same as your sorry ass holier than thou, on the take, excuse making, THUG.

This set my radar off because

I know that our old buddy

Aaron Bennett got the contract to remove

the flooded cars from the city through HSOA.

This is the same Aaron Bennett who flew Meffert

Nagin to Chicago for the Bears game.

This one is interesting, indeed.


Clay said...

William Aaron Bennett {Bennetech}:

William Bennett
Mitt Romney

Melanie Bennett
Donation of $2,100 to Presidential elections

Melanie Bennett
Mitt Romney

Gayle Sewell
Donation of $2,300 to Presidential elections

Gayle Sewell
Mitt Romney

Stephen Sewell
Donation of $2,300 to Presidential elections

Stephen Sewell
Mitt Romney

1340 overlooks city hall. Guess they like to supervise their investment.

Anonymous said...

think it was a scott sewell/southern scrap joint to do the cars. think that was pre-scott sewell/hsoa hookup. that flight to the bears game left chicago and went to las vegas for a couple days before the mayor came home, fyi. never found out who paid for the mayors and meffert's stay in vegas.