Friday, July 17, 2009

Zombiewire: Bowling Pin goes down for good

Anthony "bowling pin" Jones was officially terminated this afternoon.

For you, Tony:


Anonymous said...

He's loose.

Like Walter Payton running free in the open field of the Saints' defense.

Clay said...

In addition to "Sing," don't forget to get a new lawyer...

Anonymous said...

Zom, great stuff! I was wondering if have heard whether C. Ray has given the rest of his deposition yet??? I need some summertime reading while I wait for the indictment. Thanks!

Jason Brad Berry said...

i can tell you this...I think his next testimony will be in front of a grand jury. Judge Ledet don't play...and he's seriously pissed her off.

Civitch said...

Why hasn't Ledet ordered that the LTC report - which was done by her court decree - be made public?

Clay said...

They've got the phony purchase order...

Jason Brad Berry said...


Not exactly. She ordered the mayor's office to attempt to retrieve the emails...they subcontracted LTC. After LTC came back to them with their results, the Mayor wasn't happy with the results (wink, snicker) and now they re-bidding the job to SunBlock. So technically they don't have the official results.