Thursday, September 10, 2009


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "More Salient Points":

Feds are all over the City Technology office today. Looks like the end is very near now. Nagin and others are the focus today.

I just confirmed's true. But I don't know if its about nagin or not.

And here comes the 411:


Anonymous said...

My heart leapt.

I always thought that was a cute expression, and not a real thing that happens.

I had a little news for you, but it will keep.

Anonymous said...

....oh please.. oh please...

fingers crossed - check

toes crossed - check

eyes crossed - check

arms and legs crossed - check check

i'm going to stay like this until further notice...

Jason Brad Berry said...

relax....these things move at glacial pace. I doubt you will see any fireworks today.

Anonymous said...

Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war.

Anonymous said...

I'm impatient. 235 days until the end of Nagin's term, or sooner, if there are arrests :)

Good work, fellow anon-- the T-P just confirmed that Kenya Smith is indeed back on the City payroll, a day or two after we heard it here first :(

This pace the FBI are going at isn't slow, it is glacial. Smith and all the others will be drawing their paychecks and running up credit card bills until the Feds are ready to step in.

vern50 said...

Hey Zombie, just read that the new IG is also investigating city contracts.

I just love it!!!

Anonymous said...

Vern, I pray you are right. I wish that all the people connected to HSOA and all its subsidiaries and allied businesses will get the probing of their lives.

IG, Please look hard at every marital or familial connection, every "side business", every trip, all gifts of flooring and cabinetry, and at everything else. New broom, sweep clean.

Anonymous said...

reports say the Feds are looking at things going back to think they might be double-dipping for a little Morial info?

Jason Brad Berry said...

no I don't think that...but of course I don't know. My hunch is that they are just getting everything they can and I think the 1997 comment by Fields was probably something she thought was curious....but may not be that relevant overall.

But once again....I don't know, I'm just speculating like you guys.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope they go back and get all the crooks. Morial, Connick, er'rybody

Anonymous said...

my sis-n-law worked at city hall in finance dept. for years. used to say "you would be shocked at what they do with the money." I hope they find some of the stuff she saw. too bad she won't give me the details. i would share them with the feds if she did.

i am tired of grifters.