Monday, November 30, 2009

A bittersweet night

The Saints dominated.

I also found out that NolaTrey passed away on Friday night. Apparently he had an infected tooth and the infection spread to his heart. Trey didn't have health insurance and had no way of getting his condition checked out.

He was a good man.

Good night my friend.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your friend (really). A toothache of all things...

Your best friend in Dallas..

Sam Jasper said...

Terrible news. Public option. He'll be missed.

Leigh C. said...

Oh, no! I'm so sorry. May his memory forever be for a blessing - zichron l'vracha.

Anonymous said...

Condolences to his loved ones.

Anonymous said...

"Trey didn't have health insurance and had no way of getting his condition checked out."

I wasn't aware that health insurance is a requirement to see a dentist or doctor. Matter of fact, the dentists and doctors that I know would prefer not to deal with insurance if they could avoid it - - non insurance patients are cash up front w/out the lower insurance rates.

Maybe something is missing from your post. Maybe a paragraph. Or maybe a chapter. I'm unable to understand the leap from no insurance = your friend couldn't see a dr. or dentist.

Jason Brad Berry said...

I'd rather not start another health care argument. I was repeating it as it was explained to me.

Varg said...

Was it really that important Anon #2? Really?

George Mauer said...


I was a big fan of Radio Chaos.

There was no indication even (from the show) that he was sick.

JP said...

Trey’s passing is eerily reminiscent of Bob Marley. A great entertainer cut down in his prime by a simple infection. Truly a pity. He, and the show, will be missed by many many people.

Anonymous said...

The original post about Trey's death was a gross oversimplification, and had nothing to do with having insurance. Trey complained Monday night last week of tooth pain, called for appointment on Tuesday, was seen and not cleared of infection before the tooth was drilled and treated. At which time Trey's infection was able to make the leap from his mouth to become systemic sepsis, triggering high fever, coma, and several heart attacks; all which could have been avoided.