Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Cavalry begins to form

Guys...I don't know how to express how serious this situation is in the gulf. I know some of you are worried about the wildlife, but you may need to be worried about the human impact as well.

Tomorrow at 1:30 pm there is a press conference announcing a consortium of law firms are forming from 5 Gulf Coast states to represent the fisheries industry in LA, FL, TX, AL, and MS. I don't have the full info. yet but at least know that the wheels are turning.

More to come.


Civitch said...

How pathetic is it that *lawyers* from the five states are convening rather than the governers! Where the HELL is Jindal?

Anonymous said...

Are any of the other wells opperating in the Gulf of the same type and potentially at risk in the same way?

Have they shut those wells down as a precautionary measure? Is that something they even need to think of doing?

Fisheries take a long, long time to recover, if they do.

Anonymous said...

yesterday there was a good piece on NPR's "On Point" featuring with Aaron Viles from New Orleans chapter of Healthy Gulf. the situation is 5x worse than thought... 200,000 gallons of crude a DAY:

...also on the air was an industry shill who stated (i shit you not) that at least "it's not as bad as Chernobyl"

bruthaman1 said...

"where the hell is jindal" he's right in the pocket of the oil companies just like the a good republican is supposed to be. the republican talking point is going from "drill baby drill" to "spill baby spill".

Anonymous said...

>"where the hell is jindal" he's right in the pocket of the oil companies just like the a good republican is supposed to be. the republican talking point is going from "drill baby drill" to "spill baby spill".<

Sorry, that may be true but where the hell is obama? He just openeed up off shore drilling the same way recently. And he's the only one who could have mustered the ships and booms and containment resources from the nation and internationally to fight this thing from the start. He's been awol on this up until just recently.