Saturday, May 08, 2010

I have a pregnant idea...

Newsweek is up for sale...let's find a non-profit law firm to start a national fund which we all donate to and buy the fucking magazine. Let's crowd source Newsweek.

Slick Operator

How British oil giant BP used all the political muscle money can buy to fend off regulators and influence investigations into corporate neglect.

Something tells me they would become the most profitable magazine in U.S. history in the first month and every respectable journalist in the nation, from Taibbi to Zurik would be clamoring to work for them. A true representation of the fourth estate. Tell me why that can't happen?


Anonymous said...

Great idea!

Anonymous said...

That Newsweek stroy was damning.

It think I'm going to go back to bed, and pull the covers right up over my head.

Anonymous said...

Good idea. I suggest that you also enlist the help of a non-profit lobby/legal/investigation firm financed by individuals ONLY who are interested in getting to the bottom of the financial mess as well. Matt T. from the Rolling Stone mag might jump ship, for example.

Anonymous said...

Good idea. I suggest that you also enlist the help of a non-profit lobby/legal/investigation firm financed by individuals ONLY who are interested in getting to the bottom of the financial mess as well. Matt T. from the Rolling Stone mag might jump ship, for example.

Cousin Pat said...

Hell, even if you don't get Newsweek, this is a fantastic idea.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Pat, I think it's important that it is Newsweek. Trying to create a news entity like this from the ground up would be a bitch. The fact that the public is "reclaiming" this journalistic resource and liberating them from corporate interests is the beauty of it.

Can you imagine being a journalist who knew he could tell any story he wanted without worrying about the corporate implications from the parent company? It would attract the best of the best.

GentillyGirl said...

I wouldn't mind having a piece of this action.

sam said...

I can't remember now but will look it up. Mother Jones Magazine did something similar to this and it WORKED. I'll track down that info.