Helena Moreno takes down-and-dirty House election from James Perry
If you were out and about yesterday I 'm sure you saw the Moreno campaign signs touting her as "the responsible choice". Well, I'm sure she's recovering from her victory party last night, so I don't want to hit her over the head while she has a hangover. But, I believe I will have some questions for her in a couple of weeks. Until then, congratulations to her on her win.
I've been studying lately the carrying of emotion with the word. As you may know Editilla has had a fit with this sorta thing, peoples always thinking there's more to it and whatnot...usually the whatnots.
But... "But, I believe I will have some questions for her in a couple of weeks. Until then, congratulations to her on her win." ...well, that carries more in a bucket than a gorilla on opening night at the circus ahem.
I like Perry but he needs to get someone with 2 ounces of common sense on his political team. He handled Moreno's ticket attack perfectly - "what can I say, I am a bad driver...let's talk about issues now." Then he want and had a massive brain fart and distorted the report on her car wreck. Uh, what happened to "let's talk about the issues," James?
Instead of doing that, Perry should have focused on getting out the vote. I think something like 17 people voted in that election. OK, I'm exaggerating, but seriously the T-P reported less than 9% of voters turned out. If Perry had handled the basic blocking and tackling correctly, he'd have mopped the floor with Moreno.
Bottom line is: if Perry wants to run for office, he needs to find someone who knows how to do that and ask for their help.
I like Perry but he needs to get someone with 2 ounces of common sense on his political team. He handled Moreno's ticket attack perfectly - "what can I say, I am a bad driver...let's talk about issues now." Then he want and had a massive brain fart and distorted the report on her car wreck. Uh, what happened to "let's talk about the issues," James?
Instead of doing that, Perry should have focused on getting out the vote. I think something like 17 people voted in that election. OK, I'm exaggerating, but seriously the T-P reported less than 9% of voters turned out. If Perry had handled the basic blocking and tackling correctly, he'd have mopped the floor with Moreno.
Bottom line is: if Perry wants to run for office, he needs to find someone who knows how to do that and ask for their help.
The ticket issue is an issue. It isn't even "symbolic" of a candidate for public office demonstrating disregard for the law and for the reasons those laws were made.
It is enough of an example of that to stand on its own.
Being courteous to, and caring about the safety of, your fellow citizens, is a sensible thing to want in a lawmaker, and Perry's "ticket issue" is indicative of exactly the crap no one wants anymore.
Remember the news story about City Hall employees parking in the spots resevered for disabled people?
They park there all day every day, sometimes perhaps even using a relative's disability sticker.
The news story showed poor, sick, old people who had had to walk blocks and blocks to get to City Hall to do their business.
That was a parking issue, a silly little ticket issue, not a real issue, no big deal to most, but it was affecting the ability some people to get their civic business done.
The people hurt in this case were exactly the kind of vulnerable person Perry proports to care about.
Ticket issues count.
Small things count.
Cracked pavement can be a HUGE issue of social justice for people who need to use a walker or wheelchair to get around.
Lots of people would never have voted for that Batt girl stayed home.
They did so because they got a real strong gut feeling that they didn't actually have a candidate in this race.
It sucks that she's the person who won, but maybe it is better to have a wolf than a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Based on some of the responses he gave to serious questions during the Mayoral campaign, people got their hopes up.
But in a dirty, sweaty city, where poor old folks who don't have cars walk, and where they sometimes end up dying in sports palaces because they were "small" issues to the people who count, "not real people", not real enough...
Sweat the "small" stuff, Perry.
If it were my kid's school you were speeding past, I for sure would not vote for you. I love my kid. If your private behavior puts my kid at risk, I don't want you holding public office.
It seems others share that view.
The mudraking that followed as an attempt to counter act the effect of those tickets only made things worse.
Editlla: The "I'm a bad driver" response was good spin, but it wasn't honest.
Perry wasn't just a bad driver. He drove without insurance, meaning he was willing to destroy someone life just so he could have a car. He's no fool. He realizes how many people lack adequate insurance. Imagine if Perry had hit and injured someone without health insurance?
Second, he showed contempt for the law. That's not an opinion. That's a fact. On more than a dozen occasions he was cited for contempt of court. Yes, he claims he was just late on a payment plan. So what? A judge ordered him to do something, and again and again he refused to do it.
What's sad is that the voters of that district were left with a choice between Perry and Moreno.
The local media really failed us in this case. Someone should have exposed Perry's disrespect for the law before this election went into a run-off, then the voters might have had a better alternative than Moreno.
There was a major red flag flapping above Perry, but no one investigated it: whey did he graduate from law school but not take the bar? No one asked, from what I saw.
Editilla: Sorry, "Anonymous" said the "I'm a bad driver" defense was good politics. My mistake.
That's what you get when you let Alex Morgan run your campaign. Let's hope that douche is washed up in NOLA. Too bad so many of his cronies are infecting the Landrieu administration.
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