Friday, June 11, 2010

We're not shuttin' up this time, bitches


Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever been as woo-hoo! about James Carville in my life.

I liked seeing those two, Republican and Democrat insider people, standing there together and being real about something.

It was amazing to see Mary nodding along when James mentioned the football fields of land being lost every year. People of her political persuasion usually roll their eyes when someone talks about that.

I was happy to see them speak up for their home.

bruthaman1 said...

i didn't get a chance to hear what carville said. but overall LA. officials are seriously risking losing the narrative if they countinue to blame gov't for lack of claen up out of one side of their neck while "drill baby drilling" out of the other side.

the first month after the spill it was all about LA. now with oil reaching FLA. the story is going to change. in the sound bite media it's not going to play well in the rest of the country when there is a split screen of oil pouring out of a well and LA. officials saying we need to continue drilling immediately.

Anonymous said...


I feel sick to my stomach after watching this video. I think that this blow out scenario is happening now. This would explain why they haven't shut this thing down.

Jason Brad Berry said...

yeah i saw that. I've suspected it all along.

Anonymous said...

Since when can private security keep LA citizens off of public lands?

Anonymous said...

Private security firms have been keeping citizens off public lands for years.

That's one of the things all those grotty protesters have been protesting at conventions and leaders of world meetings.

This blog had a back and forth about this when those land deals and the kind of housing that would be put there was under discussion. Over at Library Chronicles, the system of keeping people out of New Orleans after the Storm was just discussed again recently.

Anonymous said...

I think you mean "meetings of world leaders". I hope you took a sick day. That was some drunken typing. If you have some kind of learning disability, I apologize for my insensitivity.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, kind sir, for springing to my defense. Thank you, less kind sir. I did indeed take a sick day. Good call.

Anonymous said...

Did you read the Mother Jones articles the Yellow Blog directed us to?

This is horrifying.