...little did you know it was just getting started.
The third party in the Greg Meffert "Cameragate" scandal, Camsoft, filed their lawsuit in Baton Rouge a couple of days ago and....wow! Just wow!
Turns out Muppet's anchor line just keeps snaring more and more folks from N.O. to B.R. to Lafayette and who knows...maybe some big corporate names like Ciber, Dell....the list is extensive.
I wish I had a dollar for everyone who is currently repeating the phrase, "....fucking Greg Meffert!"
Check it out:
Camsoft suit
Within 48 hours of this case being filed the following events have unfolded:
1. The CTO of Lafayette, Keith Thibodeaux, was fired after the civil suit revealed that Meffert and cew put Mr. Thibodeaux's wife on staff (she did nothing but receive a check) in return for their crime camera contract.
2. The word on the street is that the CTO of Baton Rouge, Donald Evans, is about to be indicted but remains on the job.
3. B.R. sheriff, Jeff LaDuff mysteriously retired today.
4. Word is, Mayor Kip Holden's sphincter is tight enough to forge a diamond out of a lump of coal.
Most interesting, is the breadth of the scandal and the new players who took up the reigns where the old players left off, namely MMR communications, who essentially cannibalized Netmethods' contracts and employees. And get this...our old buddies Benetech took over the Ciber role.
Motorola...Earthlink...Dell? Damn, this could be the trial of the decade. I mean....damn....just read the lawsuit, it's like a novel. It also fills in a lot of blanks for me in terms of what was actually going on behind the scenes. Read up, we'll do coffee and rap about it later.
Dude, I love you.
My God, trying to read this was bo-ring.
I know, I know. I'm sure that if I could make it through this, it would reveal juicy things to me.
But shit, why would anyone want to be a lawyer?
Lafayette is good old boy central. If the US Atty Finley wanted to, she could camp out at LCG and the 15th judicial district and have RICO work for the next 20 yrs. Straight up DIRTY.
Lafayette is good old boy central. If the US Atty Finley wanted to, she could camp out at LCG and the 15th judicial district and have RICO work for the next 20 yrs. Straight up DIRTY.
Where does this lawsuit fit on the big board?
I"m suspecting Tropos wasn't named because they cooperated with the plaintiffs. They are the cornerstone of the entire case.
Baton Rouge CIO retired today per Advocate.
This is a misplaced comment, it should be under another post, but my friend's kid is screaming in the background and I am thanking God I do not have children of my own.
That list of all the non-profits that got money, the one you checked out to find Richmond's dirty laundry, if I wanted to look at it to see if another policitian was doing something similar, how would I find it?
How do you find that database and look something up in it?
How are you a father of two and not shell shocked from the screaming?
Kid wants to watch his eleventy-fifth hour of Diego, and my friend is sensibly telling him no way.
We cannot wait until his mother gets home.
Women are superheros. When she gets home, I swear to God the kid will be happy and quiet and the house will look tidy and all will be right with the world in about five minutes.
Meanwhile, I want earplugs, a beer, and a vasectomy.
tropos is part of the suit but may not be in la
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