Thursday, February 16, 2012

"In hot water, my arse is" - Dark Yoda

Dark Yoda refuses to comment officially so I commented for him.

Former city attorney won't comment about Lee Zurik Investigation

Can you believe they said my name?  I was beginning to think I was Voldemort.  Even the TP sent out a shout:

Ray Nagin probe extends to former assistant city attorney, station reports


Incidentally, do you guys remember when I said I may have found out who authorized and orchestrated Ray Nagin's email deletion?  May be time to raise that zombie up from the dead.  


Anonymous said...

“I’m riding today, so I can’t talk,” he told the Times-Picayune reporter Gordon Russell.
Riding in a parade? Is that his excuse for not making a comment? What else could that mean?

oyster said...

"Incidentally, do you guys remember when I said I may have found out who authorized and orchestrated Ray Nagin's email deletion? May be time to raise that zombie up from the dead."

Raise it Zombie! Those email deletions-- I'm sorry, "software upgrades" with unfortunate consequences-- is all I could think about this morning.

Anonymous said...

congrats on the shout out out from gambit blog . long overdue.

Anonymous said...

Ray Nagin deleted those e-mails, duh.

Jason Brad Berry said...

No Ray Nagin did not delete those emails...duh.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Yes he did. Promise that I know more about it than you do.

Jason Brad Berry said...

You're saying Ray Nagin personally deleted those emails? They were selectively wiped from the drives and the blocks on the drive were're saying Nagin did all this himself?

whitmergate said...

Jason...I, like you, have doubts that Nagin has the IT smarts to have "... personally deleted those emails? They were selectively wiped from the drives and the blocks on the drive were overwritten..."

If Nagin directed someone, or anyone for that matter, to perform these tasks, Nagin would be as culpable had he done it personally...

Additionally, if the anonymous commenter is so certain that Nagin did perform these deletions et al, then he/she should go to the FBI and report the same, accompanied by a sworn statement inclusive of all particulars relating to Nagin's actions as alledged.

End of story.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Anon...I'm all ears. Let's get the truth....I implore you.

Jason Brad Berry said...

The power of Christ compels you.....?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. . . could it be possible that the muppet retained administrator authorization after he left city government? And perhaps used that access to delete the mailboxes of chrome dome and himself?

Jason Brad Berry said...

So you're saying Meffert erased the accounts via remote access?

Lightning K said...

As a matter of fact, Anon needs to go the FBI with the knowledge he has or otherwise he could be guilty of misprison with the knowledge he has of Nagin's felony.

Anonymous said...

Can you explain what is involved in misprison of a felony?

You have to actually know something, not just get a funny feeling that someone is a douchebag of possibly criminal proportions, but how much do you have to know?

A lot of people close to those named so far must have had some kind of clue that bad shit was going on around them.

A person would have to have been getting their koolaid through a beer bong to miss all this shit.

City Attorneys and staffers go to meetings with one another all the time; they do political work in a small interconnected community; they socialize with each other outside of work. Some claim to be friends.

In any office people are always checking each other out to see whose is bigger.

There is always whispering in corners about which way the wind is blowing.

Nagin's staff must have figured out that he was sitting in his office arranging contracts for granite countertops instead of doing his Mayoral work. They had to know he was going on holidays.

Offices being what they are, how could people working there not know?

Why didn't anyone blow the whistle then, and why are these people still so well integrated into the life of a city they hurt?

The extent of their pillaging remains unknown, but their focus on their own interests at the expense of the public good during a time of great crisis seems to have been established.

Lightning K said...

The issue with misprision is that this is the darling of prosecutors who have discretion whether or not to charge the person with such knowledge. Anon is hinting that s/he has specific knowledge of how Nagin's emails were deleted. I'm just saying that if s/he does have such specific knowledge, it may be in his/her best interest to come forward to avoid being charged with misprision -- in addition to being the right thing to do.