Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Red rover, red rover send Jonny right over...

Councilman Jon Johnson to appear in court on theft of government funds

Didn't see that one coming.

But The Lens sure did....congrats!

Yet one more conprofit scam.  Is it safe to say we have an epidemic on our hands?  The whole time we've been reaming Bajoie, Jonny-boy was squirming in his seat.

I think it may be time to bring in an army of CPA's and conduct a thorough conprofit sweep.   


swampwoman said...

The target to stopping all this fraud lies in drying up the entities that are providing non-profit status and subsequently writing the checks. An acquaintance tried to get non-profit status assigned to a food bank organization in Texas and had to jump through hoops for 5 years before gaining 501c3 status.

Exactly how are all these New Orleans non-profits gaming the system? Once the funds are no longer available, then maybe this will rectify, but as long as the trough remains filled, people will line up for their cut. The most aggregious thing though, is these illegitimate non-profits are funneling money away from truly deserving organizations.

Anonymous said...

So does this mean another 30 day shutdown of the Council when Bajoie and Hedge-Morell walk out?

Jason Brad Berry said...

It means Council will get to choose the interim councilperson from the East and that scenario could certainly play out once again. If it does....if they hold up the selection process by not showing up....I think their will be a violent revolt in this city.

Jason Brad Berry said...

there....not their...sic.

Anonymous said...

Will DOJ turn their sights on Bajoie and cronies next or is she too low on the totem pole since she is gone in November?

Anonymous said...

Weren't the mayor's supposed grounds for not naming Errol George to the District B interim council spot based on George actually being domiciled in District E?

That would be the same now-in-need-of-an-interim-councilperson District E, right?

Anonymous said...

Take it to the bank that Diana Bajoie WILL be indicted as her crimes are identical to what Jon Johnson did

vincemacpaul said...

I've got a case of Jack that says Tracie Washington will be in official contention for the highly valued District E Council black raping position before the Nov. elections, or before that. Quartermoonpie might appoint her first. In that case, I win. I'll forward the funds to AZ first upon any takers and leave it to his digression as to winner after some clarity on the rules. My point is that the position requires an attitude that America owes us 40 acres and a mule. The past elected officials to that position proved that attitude. The next appointee needs that at least that to qualify. Tracie would fill that bill just perfectly. Any takers?

vincemacpaul said...


vincemacpaul said...

discretion....not digression...sic.