Mucho Gracias to my map maker ( I will name you if you want the credit...let me know).
This is a Google map of all the non-profits in the 70117 zip code (around St. Claude) as listed on Charity Blossom. Keep in mind that many of these adresses have multiple 501c3's domiciled at their address.
Interesting stuff:
Muchos Gracias to Josh Ribbick @ Theory Evolution and Jules Bentley for the map.
This is a Google map of all the non-profits in the 70117 zip code (around St. Claude) as listed on Charity Blossom. Keep in mind that many of these adresses have multiple 501c3's domiciled at their address.
Interesting stuff:
Muchos Gracias to Josh Ribbick @ Theory Evolution and Jules Bentley for the map.
Looking at this map it would appear New Orleans is still suffering from a flood ... a flood of con-profit corruption!!!
Most of these non-profits are simply addresses - one entity probably owns multiple properties, and so on, and so on...
Right because think of it this way....if you can pull down 80k a year in donations to a nonprofit you can pay yourself 65 to 70k in salary off that entity, spend a couple thousand on some turkeys that you give away every Thanksgiving and've got a con-profit. So if it works for one.....rinse, spit, repeat.
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