Sunday, January 05, 2014

A pregnant paragraph....

BP's changing stance on claims payments puzzles experts
Without naming them, the ad said that two key administrators at the program recently left amid reports they went to a strip club that had received $550,000 from the claims facility.  The facility's former chief operating officer, Kurt Fisher, has disputed those claims, saying he and former CEO David Odom left to pursue "other opportunities".
Really? Fisher disputed what?  What is the allegation, exactly?  Is the allegation simply that they went to a strip club?  Is that illegal?

Is the claim that they put the trip on an expense account?  Is the claim that they expedited the strip club's claim as a favor?  Is the claim that they manipulated the strip club's claim to get more money?

What the fuck is the exact allegation and what does The Advocate claim Fisher is denying?  

I still haven't seen the crime.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

A motion was filed today by Special Master Freeh and, in my non-lawyer understanding or what I’m reading, it seems to make allegations that Casey Thonn submitted false tax returns to the DHECC to support his BP claim. The motion seems to ask the court to require Casey Thonn and “all professionals who assisted Mr. Thonn and benefitted from this unjustified payment from the DHECC.”

Freeh’s motion says:

“Upon information and belief, Mr. Thonn’s counsel, the AndryLerner LLC law firm and its partners Jonathan Andry and Glen Lerner, received attorney’s fees for Mr. Thonn’s seafood claims. Approximately $35,700.23 of these fees was transferred as a referral fee to Lionel Sutton, III, a former DHECC staff member.”

“Coastal Claims Group, LLC submitted an invoice for $20,182.50 for its accounting work preparing the Report supporting Mr. Thonn’s seafood claims.”

$20 Grand to audit an allegedly fraudulent tax return? I believe there is a special allowance in the BP claims process for claimants to be reimbursed for accounting expenses in connection with auditing and certifying claims information. I bet that spawned a cottage industry for CPA firms!

I looked up Coastal Claims Group, LLC and found that Kevin Ingram of Covington, Steven Scott of New York, Brooke Andry of New Orleans and Bert Verdigets of Metairie are Members of the LLC.

There are a couple of familiar names in there