Thursday, May 22, 2014



Ashton O'Dwyer said...

in weighing the AZ coverage of CORRUPTION in the BP claims process, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, and in the PSC and among members of the Plaintiffs' Bar, against the recent Fifth Circuit opinion(s), I am reminded of the immortal words of Hillary Clinton in the Bengazi investigation, namely: "What DIFFERENCE does it make?" The "Circus" has handed the PSC and the Plaintiffs' Bar "a License to Steal", and it WILL be used unless the "Circus" is overruled by the SCOTUS. So just what do honest people do in the meantime? I mean: "What DIFFERENCE does it make?" Ashton O'Dwyer.

Anonymous said...

Got to love Geoff Morrell the talking head:

"No company would agree to pay for losses that it did not cause, and BP certainly did not when it entered into this settlement," the company statement said. "BP will continue to fight to return the settlement to its original, explicit, and lawful purpose -- the compensation of claimants who suffered actual losses due to the spill."

Yes they would and they did, the deal limited the losses to 2010 only, installed a math test that denied thousands of claimants and protected them from thousands of lawsuits.

Clay said...

Now this is interesting:

Alito & Scalia have kids that work for BP's appellate law firm

Clay said...

Her ole nemesis Bob Ellis crawled out of his hole...

Clay said...

"Gulf seafood is safe," the statement continued. "... So says BP You're making us look bad!