I know it's probably a fool's errand but what the hell...it's free:
Petition to recall Governor Bobby Jindal
Here is the link if you want to share on Facebook, email or the Twittersphere:
Petition to recall Governor Bobby Jindal
Here is the link if you want to share on Facebook, email or the Twittersphere:
Only sign it if you are a registered voter in the state of Louisiana.
Nice thought. However it can only actually be effective if you have the required number of handwritten signatures on paper...http://www.sos.la.gov/ElectionsAndVoting/FindPublicOfficials/RecallAnElectedOfficial/Pages/default.aspx
Maybe someone will print out 35,000 of these and get them out to everyone who signs online? Would be nice to remove this chump before he does any more damage, if that is possible. Thanks
If we get close to the actual amount, I will make the effort to get the 35k signatures.
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