Friday, March 23, 2007

Blanco ain't no lame duck beeoootttchh

I have a lot of pent up emotions about MeeMaw. Ambivalence would be an easy but inaccurate description to define my feelings towards Blanco's efforts as the gret stet's leader for the past 3 years. I have not forgotten that she held the first statewide symposium on poverty....I believe her intentions were noble.

Katrina was the perfect storm....physically and politically. I think Blanco bared the brunt of the blow. She wasn't prepared to handle the political surge Katrina wrought, but in more tranquil times I think she would have proven a great asset to Louisiana's history. As it stands I think she held her own in the face of overwhelming odds. Her fault lies in her passiveness...and that's something I can't really take to task. I'll leave that to this asswipe.

Her redemption lies in her decision to bow out of the next gubernatorial race. She has effectively exonorated herself from partisan influence for the remainder of her term....this will allow her a unique opportunity to actually effect change in our state.

Sharon brings us news from the deep bayou that Blanco isn't sitting around pondering her fate.


Sharon said...

Start buying stock in thss company now if you are smart (and not romantic like me)....They are long lasting....Just from the article you can very well tell that they have it together....This company wants Louisiana to be successful....If I were folks, I'd check out their barebones website.....This company is innovative and it obviously doesn't believe in buyouts either....

Sharon said...

I can do a documentary on Blanco's (and Landrieu's) greats....I have been with both her and Landrieu all the way (both writing and calling their offices) ever since I personally mailed all 535 members of the U.S. Congress my video along with my letter championing them to do something about the substandard levee system and Louisiana's eroding coast....This project alone cost me over a grand....My video entitled "I'm Coming Home" seemed as though it was Blanco's waterloo....I never intended it to be that way and in fact both the Governor and Senator Landrieu are spotlighted in my video (so do a little deductive reasoning please folks)....New Orleans would be better if it rid itself of at least Nagin and Vitter....They are both antagonizers!!!! Governor Blanco's Road Home Program--I'm pretty sure that she felt that she failed the state and I feel that I failed her as over 2,000 letters (yes over two thousand letters) later I am seeing the same Governor that I wrote over 530 letters to Congress and burned over 800 videos to CD just in 2005 alone on her (and Senator Landrieu's behalf because I didn't want to see them hurt anymore--in fact Landrieu ran up to me to thank me in Cameron last year)bow out of the Governor's race....I take this personally and if you do some deductive reasoning you would see that I am well within my rights to do so....At this point I might just have to register myself as a lobbyist....I have written thus far over 2,000 letters postal mailed to Congress and have spent over 5 grand in doing so....I'll enclose my letter that I wrote to Congress back in 2005 along with the link to my video....

14 November 2005

Dear Congress,

My name is Sharon x.xxxxxxx and I reside in the Great State of Louisiana. I am writing to you because in light of recent events I have become increasingly alarmed that governmental policies are placing the entire state of Louisiana in extreme peril. This Great State can't afford to suffer anymore catastrophic events. But yet She does suffer every single day. Everyday that Louisiana's coast is allowed to erode away at the amount of 25-35 square miles a year She suffers a catastrophic event. Each day that the levees that hold New Orleans from sinking into the Gulf of Mexico are allowed to remain substandard Louisiana suffers.

The peoples of Louisiana are going through yet another Le Grande Derangement. Louisianans are tired of seeing our culture, economy and way of life being simply washed away. We happen to love our unique "gumbo" heritage. The state of Louisiana is not "dysfunctional" at all.

Ecosystems are important because from these ecosystems springs the well of life. Louisianans are part of the Gulf and the Gulf is part of us. We were born out of the Gulf. Louisiana's Wetlands are truly America's Wetlands. Over eighty percent of the soil that forms the Louisiana Coast comes from forty percent of the continental United States and Canada. The wetlands are an invaluable natural resource. These wetlands also act as hurricane "buffer zones". The time is at hand. There is an imperative need to restore this region's ecological balance. Louisiana herself is demanding that her coastal land be reclaimed. Every single day the resources of this Great State are consumed by the entire nation but yet it seems as though those who are not born of the delta region are not truly concerned as to whether the region is eroding away. So I am imploring each and every single Congress member to harken unto Louisiana's cry. The Voice of the Wetlands is no longer a whisper--it is a cry for restoration.

I am asking each and every single member of Congress to search their hearts and ask themselves "Can we afford to Lose Louisiana?" I feel that we all know the answer. Deep inside we all know that the answer is NO. We can not afford to lose another single square mile of Louisiana's precious wetlands.
Therefore I am coming to you Congressional members. I am coming to you with all due respect to ask that serious plans, resources, and allocations of funds be made towards a serious effort in restoring coastal Louisiana. We haven't another second to lose. If we don't act now it might eventually be too late.

This is the land of my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. I lived in Texas for about ten years before moving back to Louisiana in 2003 after being in the military for almost eight years. I enjoy being back home. My son Corey loves it here also. He loves his school and strives to make honor roll or banner roll every six weeks. He is my only child and is quite spoiled. He has all the goodies. I don't mind spoiling him since he does well and listens to my advice. I tell him
every single day that I will see to it that he never wants for anything as long as he does one thing for me and that is for him to take care of Louisiana. Take care of Louisiana.

But we can't do that alone. So we ask you Congress to help us out. Help us take care of Louisiana so that Louisiana can keep on taking care of the nation. Thanks for your time and support. A reply would sincerely be appreciated.

Respectfully yours,

Sharon x.xxxxxxx
xxxxxx, Louisiana xxxxxx

Leigh C. said...

Damn right she's not...and I'm glad about that.

Sharon said...

Ok...So I'm a bit obsessed with it all...LOL....But at least folks know that all my political endeavors have been for real...Here's another one chalked up for Louisiana compliments of Blanco and Landrieu....This one will be built in SWLA also....

Feb 16, 2007
Governor Blanco's remarks at the Cellunol Facility Groundbreaking

Celunol Facility Groundbreaking
Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco
February 16, 2007

Today is an historic day not just for Louisiana, but for our country. We're breaking ground on the first commercial scale cellulosic ethanol plant in the nation. We're also breaking ground on new technology - technology that will use Louisiana crops to position our state as a leader in the development of alternative energy sources.

It's my honor to thank Carlos Riva, the CEO of Celunol, and his management team for their investment. We are delighted that you have chosen Louisiana for your project.

The plant that Celunol will be building on this site will produce 1.4 million gallons per year of ethanol from sugar rich fuel stock. This is the largest cellulosic ethanol plant yet built and the last stage before Celunol moves to commercial plants in the 30 million gallon per year range.

Our Congressional delegation, led by Senator Landrieu, helped pave the way for cellulosic ethanol when Congress wrote the Energy Policy Act of 2005. This bill included significant incentives for developing and commercializing cellulosic ethanol.

These incentives have made it attractive to construct new ethanol facilities in states like Louisiana that have sugar rich fuel stock like sugarcane, wood chips and fiber cane.
I believe the production of cellulosic ethanol will provide the same economic stimulation in our state as corn-derived ethanol has provided in states throughout the Midwest. It will certainly help Louisiana's farmers.

Today's groundbreaking will lead to good jobs. Construction of the facility will create at least 75 temporary jobs, and 30 permanent jobs. The economic development opportunities flowing from this initiative will create even more jobs. And it will give a boost to our farming community.

I believe it's important that Louisiana - one of the nation's largest domestic oil producing states - is also leading the way in alternative energy production.
Ethanol promises to reduce our dependency on foreign oil while providing a cleaner source of fuel.

Last year, at my urging, the Louisiana State Legislature passed Act 313, which established minimum ethanol and bio-diesel content standards for gasoline and diesel. These standards only go into effect when there is enough production of ethanol and other renewable fuel to ensure that prices remain competitive.

Enacting this type of measure is good for our economy, and puts our reliance on producing fuel here at home.

Our nation's effort to diversify its fuel supply is Louisiana's gain. By investing in this new technology, Louisiana will remain at the epicenter of this nation's energy corridor. We will no longer be referred to as simply an oil and gas state, but instead will forever be known as the state that also leads the way in alternative energy solutions.

To Carlos Riva and the Celunol team, I know you are considering other investments in Louisiana. The state stands ready to help you in any way possible. We believe that you will find Louisiana to be a great business climate for Celunol.

As you move forward, I ask you to keep in mind the synergies that can be created by using the technology you are developing to link with the many refineries we have in our state.
By doing so, we have the ability to construct the first true bio-refinery in our nation's history.

Thank you again for this investment in the future of Louisiana and the nation. We look forward to working with you to provide our nation with new forms of clean renewable fuels.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention, she's had to deal with an administration that doesn't even try to hide its intentions of crushing democrats and other critics, even in the heat of massive emergency - like the business about Federalizing the National Guard.

sl said...

I agree. I don't know if we've ever had a Governor that cared more about children and about poverty than Blanco. She's a bit of a victim of circumstance, although she also made a couple of bad decisions and allowed some bad people (Edwin Edwards crony bureacrats) remain in power. She also had a pretty crappy internal staff. A lot of that though was her making political compromises and political deals. But not enough is said about her compassion for children and the poor. I only hope that her legacy and the consequences of Katrina are tempered by her compassion for kids , teachers, and the poor -- the groups everyone says they care about but are always the first to get left behind by government.

She's sort of the Jimmy Carter of Governors.

Anonymous said...

" more tranquil times I think she would have proven a great asset to Louisiana's history."

I agree with that comment. I don't believe she had the leadership qualities needed in a time of crisis. She certainly didn't inspire my confidence as I watched her on TV the day after K. Her voice was hesitant and shaky and she pretty much babbled.....not what I wanted to see as I sat there wondering if I had a home left. I told my husband she belonged in the kitchen baking cookies. Harsh, I know but that's exactly what came to my mind at the moment. It's nothing to do with her being female....I think Anne Richards or Hilary Clinton would have done fabulously in that situation. At least they would have given the appearance of strength. Sometimes that's all the public needs to feel reassured. Ok - I know I'm rambling.....Abita's fault. :)

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Carter? I don't think so.

Blanco has played the game of LA Politics for too long. Let's not get all misty-eyed and annoint her because she opted out of a no-chance-at-a-win race (and folks want us to believe that the democratic party wasn't pushing for this...ha!). She might not be much of a leader in adversity but she is a good politician. And I rarely trust the intentions of a politician.

What scares me is that she now has no natural check on her authority. She no longer answers to voters (she opted out of that one); there is no salvation for her "legacy" as she will forever be remembered for her Katrina failings and Road Home program.

If this is the best we can get for attention to education and poverty, we are in trouble. She is and has been governor in a state that gives its governor a great deal of power. She creates a budget that filed with pork, slush and earmarks. I don't buy any stories that she can't tidy up a bit and pay our teachers and first responders handsomely. I am all for the Saints and animal cruelty prevention but when I see her on TV making bets with the gov of IL and talking about cock-fighting, I can't help but thinking, "Is this really at the top of the list?"

I guess by previous standards she should be considered okay...we let Foster slide by as a great gov by simply not ripping us of as bad as EWE. History will probably prove Blanco to be similar (although this ICF contract scares me...but I think that is her incompetence not evil intentions).

Either way, republican or democrat, we deserve better. As the sage said, "If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you got. It's up to you to make a difference or not."

Remember that when we have a cast of familiar characters to choose from inside the voting booth.

Jason Brad Berry said...


It's funny, I got to your third paragraph and the first thing that popped in my head was..."oh, and Foster left some kind of tangible legacy?" Then you addressed it in the next paragraph. Kudos.

I agree with you that her overall performance was less than stellar. And sadly, I think you're right about our expectations of our politicians being so low in the state. I 'm guilty of that. As long as she doesn't drive the bus into a ditch and keeps it on the road, i'll give her props.

However, I think it's too early to list "Katrina ~ Road Home" as the only items on her political epitaph. And I might add...I'm not so sure the Road Home is gonna be remembered as a failure...I am a recipient and I have no complaints at all.