Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tracie Washington....

Firebrand activist or shit-stirring be the judge:

Reversal of something or other


Anonymous said...

Do the whole time line and keep filling it out. All of this is online.

November 2008: White and Head have their run-in over contracts. Head makes clear that CHM & CWL are jumping out to defend the contractors rather than fulfill their roles as councilpersons.

12/3/08: Zurich's request comes; Washingtons' comes in by email to White directly a couple hours later.

2/2/09: Washington sends a follow-up email to Moses-Fields attaching her original email, but *not* White to whom her original request went. A little while later Moses-Fields forwards this request on to others at City Hall saying she has "some CD's but not all." Apparently PMF also met with someone in IT just before. The City Hall staffers reply they have never seen the request before.

2/5/09: City Council approves transparency ordinance 7-0.

2/5/09: Take home cars issues also heard by Council.

2/6/09: Tionne Simon's undated records request goes up to this date, which is the last day of the week of 2/2/09.

2/16/09: Nagin vetoes transparency ordinance.

2/18/09: Public hearing.

2/19/09: Hearing on transparency ordinance veto override; fails 4-0-3.

Also 2/19/09: The City Attorney PMF forwards Washington's public records request to the Council

2/20/09: James Carter meets with councilpersons behind closed doors; Clarkson sounds hopeful that he will vote for the ordinance; Carter is non-committal.

2/26/09 Some time between 2/19/09 and 2/26/09 (presumably either Friday 2/20/09 or Wednesday 2/25/09 due to the Mardi Gras break), according to Vincent Sylvain's online newsletter dated 2/26/09: "Ironically, when Fielkow received word from Clarkson's staff that it may have been possible this past Friday to bring the measure up for a re-vote because Carter may be willing to side with the majority, he was in a meeting with WBOK's program director and one of the radio show talk host. Fielkow has said that he has not attempt to pressure Carter into changing his vote and was surprised when the issue can up Friday. Following the Friday meeting Fielkow sent a communication to full Council urging them not to bring the matter up again." Sylvain then quotes Fielkow's "communication."

Vincent Sylvain does programming at WBOK, and he has been a talk show host for them. He also has connections to Tracie Washington.

2/25/09: Fielkow announces he's not pushing re-vote on transparency ordinance.

2/26/09: 2nd continued hearing on the transparency ordinance, ordinance tabled; the four councilpersons who emails were requested by Washington walk out, the others hear protests.

Also 2/27/09: The Council's lawyers speak with Washington by phone in which Washington informs them that she had previously received the emails from the City and forwards her 12/3/09 fax. Apparently it was not clear that White was the one who responded because they say they are following up with PMF to confirm.

2/27/09: PMF responds to Washington with information regarding take home cars; says she is working on the rest of her requests.

3/2/09: Next business day, PMF tells the Council's lawyers that the emails went out already without her knowing.

I suppose this could be done better.

Jason Brad Berry said...

holy shit....i get it. the original emails may implicate CHM and/or CWL (I'm betting her) in bribery charges on the trash contracts...take home cars probably not so much...but trash contracts I'm betting on.

This whole thing could be a big smoke screen to hide potential criminal dealings with trash contracts.

Washington is just running the gauntlet against the other Council members to try and 1. threaten them and 2. divert attention in an attempt to get them to back down and cover the whole fucking thing up.

Which would explain a whole lot of shit I've heard behind the scenes about Washington throwing out baseless threats towards specific council members.

Fuckin 'eh....that makes a lot of sense.

Anonymous said...

Another one:

2/16/09: (Same day that Fielkow announces he has learned Nagin has vetoed the transparency law) Nagin's lawyer Ed Washington tells Ledet in a 2/17/09 hearing that he learned "late Monday" (per the TP) that all of Nagin's emails had been deleted.

Anonymous said...

Tracie Washington used to work for Clarence Roby? In September 2006? See below link.

The same Clarence Roby who represented Oliver Thomas in 2007?

The same Oliver Thomas who was replaced by Arnie Fielkow as Council President? Any guesses on what Arnie found when he took over the keys to the file cabinets??? Do you think Washington was guessing? Do you think her attorney, Roby, has maybe seen the CD's?

Mose Jefferson is represented by Ike Spears who is also at 1631 Elysian Fields? The same address as Washington's LJI?

Tionne Simon's letter is addressed to a UPS Store, and there is a UPS Store at 1631 Elysian Fields? One owned by Ike Spears and Vincent Sylvain? Do you think Ike has seen the CD's?

The emails Washington requested go back three years?

Trash. IT. Parking. Etc. Pick a contract, any contract.

Anonymous said...

Finally you guys solved the puzzle. I won't lambast Dambala though but what took the rest of you so long to figure this out? LOL

PS this still has serious tenticles into technology as well.

Jason Brad Berry said...

well....let's be clear. I still haven't "solved the puzzle."

Sorry..but I am a little slow.

If there is a synopsis floating around in your head, I would be more than eager to hear it.

Anonymous said...

Political vaccum in the african american community is taking place right now. The LJI is the Marc Morial wing. No love between Morial & Nagin--now are you starting too see a little clearer?

This isn't as much about racial politics as it is between african american political soup infighting and backstabbing.

Anonymous said...

Hello? Nagin -> Washington -> Roby -> OT... Nagin seeks pardon for OT? Is this thing on?

"Tracie Washington used to work for Clarence Roby? In September 2006? See below link."

While Roby represented OT? Does it matter when?

Council pins Nagin. Washington pins Council. Etc.

You may notice the Jupiter firm in the below, guess who else is involved at LJI? That's right a Jupiter.

"Tracie L. Washington, Law Office of Clarence Roby, Jr., APLC"

Anonymous said...
Interesting that Tracie Washngton was fired in Austin for emails!!!