Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So what does this tell us?

That Stacey Head is rather randy with punctuation and her caps lock key.  

How many times can one emphasize a question mark????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

That's about all I got out of it....what say you?....?'s kind of fun...?  ?  ? ?  ?


Anonymous said...

Where was Stacy educated? I was appalled by her ignorance of the English language. Her emails made her sound like a drunk pre-teen on myspace.

Anonymous said...

BFD. Seriously. So what? I agree with most of the sentiments she expresses, and as far as her grammar and spelling go, get over it. She was firing off informal e-mails to co-workers, probably angry and hurried, and those are TYPOS. Again: big fucking deal. If this is all Tracie has - lame, lame lame.

Unknown said...

Anon, Sweety, do you honestly think she doesn't know how to spell or punctuate? Don't get me wrong--I agree that there doesn't seem to be much else to the story, but really, that's as petty as criticizing someone's handwriting in a note they wrote to their friend...

Unknown said...

Anon1, do you own a blackberry, treo, etc? If you do and you send all of your emails with perfect grammar, spelling and punctuation, you are the only one on this planet.

I practically work from my treo and all of my mobile comms do not come out perfectly formatted, generally because I would cause carpal tunnel if I didn't use common shortcuts. Are you saying even all of your emails to friends or families are treated the same as if you were at work? Doubtful, but if u do, good on ya (mods made on purpose).

Anon 2 was dead on. SH was send emails to a friend/peer (not sure of their relationship). Her observations and opinions were not that far out of line, people are tired of Jackie Clarkson - they are offended by what Anthony Jones was making, esp after his demotion and they do get sick of seeing people using welfare on things that are not the wisest fiscal choice they could have made.

This isn't a post about how unfair the welfare system is and she didn't make a racist remark. She made an observation that a person using food stamps was making several poor decisions in their grocery trip. We all have friends or family that do stupid crap with their money that we wouldn't do, she put it in email and it was posted.

Washington is going after Head and I only hope she posts something that puts Washington in a world of hurt.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Just for the record....i'm in no position to criticize anyone for punctuation or grammar. i was just poking fun at the exorbitant number of question marks.

And my other point was that the whole thing is so fucking petty and stupid that it served no point to publish it....if this the best Washington has to offer, it's pretty sad.

In this day and age, grammar and punctuation is secondary to immediate gratification. Like it or not...language is malleable.

#TheLion said...

don't get caught up in this, it is only DEFLECTION.

This is the administrations attempt to racialize their goofs!!

Bottom line NAGIN gets convicted.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so the whole point of this is to paint Head as a closet Republican, as someone who opposed Jefferson (or supported Cao), and who is prejudiced against welfare recipients(kind of funny how that requires a leap of prejudice on the part of the reader in the first place), right?

And the goal of that is to ramp up anti-Head turnout in her district or embarrass her to the point that either she doesn't run for reelection or her seat simply returns to pro-Jefferson hands. Not to mention maybe add some of the same fodder for doing the same in the next mayoral election. Does that seem fair or accurate?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who uses a blackberry of the newest less expensive devices makes mistakes, the keys are too small. The most hilarious item to note in the emails that took down Kwame Kilpatrick former mayor of Detroit was that all the emails were perfect.

Anonymous said...

One other comment: the flyers that were distributed on cars in Head's district: does this or does this not smack of the very same tactic in the anti-Mintz campaign and the anti-Irons campaign of days gone by?

And who dropped those bombs? Yes, likely the very same political opertaives.

#TheLion said...

This was the Admins tactic to defer before they realized this was a federal investigation and not a MUCH publicized civil suit.... so they again fumbled and showed how their ideology has left them brain dead and functioning on response instead of taking their licks.

do you know how many innocent people have died while on Nungekins watch?

do you realize there are hundreds, maybe thousands all mixed in this?

This is BIG, remember we go by the motto, The city that care forgot, when really it should be the city that forgot to care.

Anonymous said...

So, wait, does this email, but out by LJI themselves, indicate that one possible motive for the CNO IT department releasing these emails was revenge? {Er, or is that "was freakin revenge?????"}

Anonymous said...

Stacy Head may be alot of things, but wise she is NOT. As a lawyer she should know better than to make such intemperate comments on a public email server paid for by taxpayers. . . unless . . . she got her law degree from WalMart

Anon - Are you talking about the Anti-Semetic handbills that Mintz put out on himself? Do you remember a grand jury indicted a Mintz operative for putting out the smut on Mintz at Mintz's direction? But Mintz is dead, so who are you talking about?

BeverlyRevelry said...

I expect so much more from my city council person. Like, you know, compassion, respect, manners, respect, humility, respect, and, yes, literacy. Tell me, folks, just how lenient would she (who scrutinizes other people's grocery baskets--what f*cking arrogance!) have been had she had access to someone else's, say a resident of public housing, email written like hers. She is a humiliation to this white Garden District resident.

Jason Brad Berry said...

- Anonymous said...
Ok, so the whole point of this is to paint Head as a closet Republican, as someone who opposed Jefferson (or supported Cao), and who is prejudiced against welfare recipients(kind of funny how that requires a leap of prejudice on the part of the reader in the first place), right?

Jason Brad Berry said...

i aint hatin' on Head. sorry. just can't go there.

I wouldn't want to have dinner with her. but i ain't gonna hate on her simply for this.

Carmen said...

Unless we get to see what the personal emails of other city officials are like - say, Mayor Nagin's or Veronica White's - it's silly to criticize Stacy Head's off the cuff comments. At least she's consistent with what she presents, and didn't mass delete her mails to avoid scrutiny altogether.

Baby Sweetheart said...

I find it rather curious that WDSU is now in possession of discs containing thousands of Stacy's emails...Am I wrong, or didn't the State Supreme Court just block the release of these? Wonder who sent that care package to the station...?

#TheLion said...

Ashe, you can post this if you want, it is just a copy of emails that went to several very "HIGH officials about Jan. 6/09 and then Napolitano came down saw the mess and decided to gut the city, City Hall that is.

you see when Misfit and pepe lepew stole this Idea it was already copyrighted and shared with the feds(06-06), who told me to contact New Orleans late 06/06, then misfit quit, 07/14/06...figure that.

My lawsuit gets filed next week, in federal court, and I don't want money, I WANT THE PROBLEMS FIXED!!!


1 MORE THING, WATCH THIS AND WATCH THIS GOOD:,000plus-in-us-have-swine-flu-half-swine-flu

Puddinhead said...

Thank God for Juan!! We're saved!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, page 10 of the 14th set of emails that Head put up on her website:

Tracie Washington is emailing the Council, Nagin and Quiett, and COPYING VINCENT SYLVAIN, JACQUES MORIAL AND MARC MORIAL.

I mean come on, people. When does someone start mentioning the ol' elephant sitting in the middle of the room???