Well....the militant, right wing, gun-toting, town hall screaming, crazies have accused Obama of everything they can possibly think of from being African to being a Nazi. As Bill Maher said in his New Orleans performance they've called him everything they can think of other than what they really want to call him....you fill in the blank.
So I guess it was just a matter of time before they brought Voodoo into the mix:
Imagine that. Obama's true plan is to replace private health care with Santeria....you heard it here first.
You'd think I'd get a cabinet position, huh?
That was a really strange site.
Are they putting acid in the after Church snacks?
"militant, right wing, gun-toting, town hall screaming, crazies have accused Obama of everything they can possibly think of from being African to being a Nazi"....than you tie that into all of this being over the fact that these people are racists. Really?
There isn't any logical conclusion between the reality of alot of people upset over the perception that Obama is in over his head and can't lead the nation effectively? He has poorly led the Congress in this joke of a health care easter egg hunt. While trying to keep his hands off so he doesn't get sullied by the hard work TRUE REFORM would require while keeping his special interests taken care, he has shown himself to be exactly what everyone knew but no one wanted to say - a bought and paid for politician.
So blame the outrage and the loss of confidence in your President not on racism, but on the fact that he is no different than George (insert gasp). He is taking care of the people that got him there.
Something I haven't understood about you and E is that you can dig, parse, filter and sift to determine what and who is gaming the local government. But Obama has you both wrapped up and swallowing his line without a thought, without so much as asking some simple questions that will open anyone of several pandora boxes.
Maybe its my time in the military and I got tired of doing things just because someone who outranked me told me to do it, or the fact when I asked my parents why, I got tired of hearing because I said so....gentleman, instead of attacking these peoples character perhaps you can start asking questions, little ones (and I will even help):
- Why are these people at the town halls so upset?
- Who could benefit financially should this bill pass?
- Why is Medicare going to be 9 billion dollars over budget this year?
- What could be changed to improve that system (see GAO for their exhaustive reports)?
- How can they pay for this using basic supply and demand principles?
- What can both sides agree on?
- Something I haven't understood about you and E is that you can dig, parse, filter and sift to determine what and who is gaming the local government. But Obama has you both wrapped up and swallowing his line without a thought,
Bullshite....I have criticized Obama more than once and even echoed your sentiment that he is no different than Bush. This post was not to kiss Obama's ass it was to point out how batshit insane many people in this country have become.
Lest I remind you...I refused to vote for Obama...I didn't vote period.
Call me one of the crazy racists, or just crazy, or just racists. Whatever you want, it is in fact a free country, still. I don't have health care, I am one of the self employed crazy racists trying to eek out a living and can't afford it. And I live praying that I don't get seriously ill so that my family doesn't go broke trying to save my sorry crazy racists ass.
Yet.....I still think this is a bad idea for the country. I hated Hillary Care (that makes me a sexist) and I hate Obama care. I don't think it is the governments job to do that for me. Or for me to hand over more cash that I can't afford now in order for it to happen for EVERY body. It is a philosophical debate on whether this country is going to remain true to its constitution or whether we need to rewrite it. I don't believe in big government, which is the basis for the democratic party. I believe in self reliance, if that makes me a pissed off crazy racists who exercises my right to attend town hall meetings and voice my opinion, then so be it. I would call a like person, an American.
And how easy it is for the supporters to disarm those on the fence by calling those who oppose it crazy.....it is dismissive and arrogant. And is the same tactic that was used by the republicans against Clinton. I did not like it then and I don't like it now.
Obama is writing checks he can't cash. He is like Nagin, great campaigner, poor administrator.
once again...you know....never mind.
you're a crazy, racist. I guess we're all happy.
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