Any city dealing with federal funds, especially a city like New Orleans, should take note of this story.
Let's hope we've dealt with Katrina funds properly. More speculation on this matter is forthcoming in a very lengthy post....stay tuned.
In the meantime, check out Brenda Hatfield's response to the OIG report on the inadequacies of the city's budgeting process. Keep this in mind:

Also note that Cerasoli was completely exonerated by the state's report. Odum was a petty, vindictive tool being used to smear the name of a good man.
Didn't they used to be friends at one point, with Odum encouraging Cerasoli to put his name in the hat?
didn't read the whole thing, just her cover letter. but - asking for the actual data sheets used to reach conclusions seems prudent.
I would expect underlying data to always been included Ina report.
Very nice subtle hint of what's on the horizon for several parishes in Louisiana not just Orleans.
How about a poll on your site to determine which Parish leader is indicted by the Federal Government second, after Hubbard? Does Nagin outlast Broussard or does Broussard beat Nagin?
The document release from Jefferson Parish is rife with contractor & insurance policy questions.
OMIGOSH, never thought about the SEC connection. They are severely understaffed but hopefully we are not under the radar. I never thought I would say Go Go SEC Go
Odom and Cerasoli knew each other through an association but were not personal friends.
"Go SEC go!" I hear ya.
If there was a Superbowl for SEC investigators, I bet the playoffs would see Miami, New Jersey, and New Orleans' investigators duking it out to see how many crooks they can bust.
Do we need a fourth city?
Miami vs. New Orleans, that's a contest to see which city is more corrupt, and which team of SEC dudes can crack things open.
Do we need someone for Jersey to beat, before they see the winner of the Nawlins-Miami matchup in the final, or do they get a bye?
The rabbis selling kidneys maybe gives them a bye.
It is hard to see how any team of investigators is going to top that this year.
The New Orleans teams, Letten's squad as well as the SEC people, are working flat out to get the job done, and the potential is there, but in order to match the effort of the investigators up in New Jersey, they've got to keep turning up the heat.
just for the record, I'm not implying the SEC is conducting any kind of investigation in New Orleans. I'm pointing out that no other city has doled out more federal funds in the past 4 years than us and those who were handling those funds better hope they weren't misappropriated. more to come on that.
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