Are any of you AZ peeps on Guidestar? If so can you contact me? And if you want to help a Zombie out, you can donate at the right, I need to raise $350 to join for a month to use the service. Gracias.
HANG ON: I just found out the Loyola library has access to Guidestar. Thanks AL. But if you want to donate don't let that stop you :).
How does the guidestar product help with your work on this project.
If you're looking for grants/funding for a non-profit, also try the Foundation Center:
Any thoughts on the Public Belt RR situation?
I haven't even glanced at the PBRR stories...I've been too busy with Oil Spill and this non-profit stuff. There's only one of me, plus no sense in me divesting time in something Zurik and TP have already covered.
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