Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Homework Assignment

I know I just scared off nearly everyone.  But for those of you left behind...let's take a look at this comment I received over a month ago:

Anonymous said...

HOLY COW the same Pearlie Elloie who teamed up with Vernon Shorty and a few others who stole over $3,500,000.00 dollars (3.5 million dollars) from HUD and the City of New Orleans in the scam now known as the Desire Community Housing Corporation????

So I've been looking into that for the past several weeks and while the number may not be exactly right, the general premise seems to be spot on. 

I offer you the HUD Inspector General's report on the properties in question....there will be a quiz later...

Desire IG                                                            

whoa boy...this story has one hell of a kick.


Anonymous said...

any relationship to Lolis and former judge charles?

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to this. Some of us have day jobs, though, man.

hazard-lady said...

How is Pearlie still getting federal funds???? There is an application pending for her to open/lead a Head Start program!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes. Mrs. Pearlie H. Elloie was the director of the non-profit that raised funds to get him elected.

She also has old business connections to a Mrs. Maxine Copelin...

Anonymous said...

Desire has got connections with Stewart Juneau too.

Anonymous said...

And Stewart Juneau has ties to C. Ray and other key members of the Nagin team.

Anonymous said...

Edwin Shorty is the General Counsel for Desire.

Mojofearless said...

Scared off nearly everyone? You mean with a 46-page reading assignment and pop quiz?
Yeah - I could see that.
But if you're referring to the knocks you've taken over the controversy of late (and wow- the New York Times picked up on it), well - all I have to say about the situation is that you need to stop kicking yourself. You have an instinct on par with my late friend Gary Webb's. So trust it.
Gary used to say "I don't believe in conspiracy theories. I believe in conspiracies." Lol. Oh man.
Where there's smoke, there's fire, Dambala. And whether you personally stoke that flame or not, Mr. Man is in the hotseat where he rightfully belongs.

Anonymous said...

When will it ever end? Big Jim loves you! They don't even have to try with you around. Keep up the good work SIR!!

Jason Brad Berry said...

a pleasure to host this conversation

Anonymous said...

Thanks a million for all you do, Zombie.

Anonymous said...

HIV/AIDS positive people and their kids, and battered women and kids in desperate need of safe housing, got screwed out of housing that taxpayers paid for them to have?

Like the contractors who bilked the schools, these people were screwing over the most vulnerable and desperate people in the comunity.

Can you imagine being a kid living through all this?

Because the same cohort of kids is dealing with the schools and this housing mess.

One commenter said that Stewart Juneau has some connection to Desire.

Can you imagine him up there in the penthouse of the Ritz?