1. Ray Nagin is fucked
There are two items in these charges which give me a Nagin indictment woody. The first is this morsel:
Snap! That's within the statute of limitations. RICO is 5 years and this must have happened in 2006.
The second item is this:
No snap on this but a definite goatee stroke accompanied by a smart-ass smirk. The company Transportation Management, LLC. was none other than our multi-talented buddy Jimmy Goodson. Welder, chauffeur, bodyguard...and now apparently handyman and landscaper....the only resume-deficient guy who made a bigger score than Bowling Pin Jones was Goodson. If Meffert has fessed up on the home repairs being funneled through Goodson, chances are good that Jimmy sashayed next door and spruced up Ray's house as well. That was a prevailing rumor back in the day, but no way to prove it 'til now. But once again we must consider if it falls within the statute of limitations.
2. Ciber and their VP Ed Burns may be fucked
We already knew they were the papa bear company in this conspiracy, receiving over 50 million smackeroos from the city during Nagin's tenure. Now we are seeing it spelled out very clearly:
Those last figures total a whopping $3,787,737.47. And check this statement out:
This is really interesting for a couple of reasons, and I'm trying to read between the lines here to guess at the intent of the prosecutors. Notice they went out of their way to mention Mayor Nagin signed the illegal contract to make Ciber the prime vendor by bypassing the city procurement process. Also notice they single out Ciber {(to include Ciber)} and not the other prime vendor at the time, Vision IT. That could be a clue as to their intent...Ciber and Nagin seem to be in the crosshairs. At least it seems that way to me and brah that just makes me randy.
3. Benetech may be fucked
Once again, Benetech's name is prevalent:
They are clearly stating that just like Ciber, Benetech was a shell company to funnel cash to St. Pierre. Not to toot my own horn, but I was consistently questioning how and why Benetech was conducting IT services for our city. I'm still amazed that Aaron Bennett continues to nail multimillion dollar local and federal government contracts including a 100 million dollar COE contract which they have reportedly botched just like they did the airport, their Memphis contract and the Plaquemines prison contract. This guy has dropped turds all over the country and our government entities just seem to love doling out the cash to watch him.
From Anon:
With all the news about Bennet/Benetech and St. Pierre that has been issued this year I am surprised you haven’t updated your blog since Sept. 09. The COE awarded them multiple contracts as a Service Disabled Veteran Owned business which only happened after Aaron put 51% of the company in his father’s name to qualify Benetech. The father does no day to day management of the company, but only flys in from Texas on occasion to make an appearance. Their Corporate Health and Safety Officer (Kristen Sojak ) admitted to the COE that she forged her OSHA card using their Construction Director’s (Jim Book) card to forge hers (I am sure as directed by him). The COE was told that she was fired; however informed sources have her still working for the company. I think St. Pierre and Bennet were in it with all the rest of those who have gone to jail, but Bennet keeps escaping. There is also the lucrative Mardi Gras stands contract that Bennetech got after they flew Nagin to the Bears game. Stay the course until they are all convicted felons.
Of course I'm once again getting me balls busted for not doing enough, but this is interesting info. I didn't realize Nagin kicked them a contract for Mardi Gras stands as well.
4. Who the hell is Connexus?
We know Meff and St. Pierre had a slew of LLC.'s they were funneling money through and I thought I had done a really good job of keeping up with all of them. This be the first time I've heard of Connexus:
I'm guessing they were a Baton Rouge funnel.
5. The Big Dogs are named
Earthlink, Dell, interesting these guys were listed:
Fruckin' Dell...they bought the cameras from St. Pierre then sold them back to the city for St. Pierre to install. Dude..get the hell.
Also the charges list Baton Rouge and Lafayette public officials which we already know about, but I'm thinking there may be charges pending for some of our neighbors.
6. Bastard people (say it out loud in a Scottish accent...damn that's fun)
As if the standard flow of grifted flotsam and jetsam wasn't enough, I guess Capt. Dicksmack had to inflate invoices to keep the Silicon Bayou afloat. Soon you will smoke a turd in Davey Jone's locker, sir, as Admiral Meffert wraps the anchor chain around your slimy neck.
That's all I got for now, but one thing to remember is that Camsoft still has a pending civil suit against most of these cats so shit fire and save the matches, they've got be lovin' life right about now.
Benetech continues to get Corps contracts (technically task orders), as part of the MATOC pool for stormproofing of pump stations in Jefferson and Orleans Parishes.
They just got a huge one this month for the stormproofing of 6 Orleans Parish pump stations, worth at least $15 million.
Their contract awards so far as part of that MATOC pool are here:
Thus far, they've pulled in over $50 million in business from the Corps through four separate stormproofing task orders. They are now responsible for the stormproofing of 19 separate pump stations across two parishes.
And a correction to your post: they are eligible for task orders worth up to $100 million as part of the MATOC pool (a group of companies all meeting certain small biz qualifications), so the contract only has a potential value of $100 million. Though, admittedly, they are halfway there.
I love you, I love you, I love you, that's all I wanted to say.
I find it funny that you have fallen into the "Greg" trap also. You have completely forgotten that Greg (the LIAR) Meffert, is the one feeding the Feds this info. Since when has Greg ever told the truth? NEVER! He will do or say anything at this point to try and save his ass and his wife's ass. Neither one are completely out of yet. Feds are still working on other charges against Meffert and Nagin.
I've fallen into the "Greg" trap? Yeah? I have no idea what you're talking about but you're right on one thing, the concept of a Greg Trap is pretty damn funny.
i just keep hoping that no-one will forget associated contractors "repairs" to NOLA schools through pastoreckky.
I am curious if the personnel that worked for Ciber could be held responsible for any of those inflated bills they gave the city. Perry Poche was the director of delivery for the Ciber, essentially the lead Ciber person on the ground. He would be the one handling billing of the city for Ciber. Could he be charged with something? Even if he was just doing what he was told by the likes of Ed Burns, he would have to be an idiot not to have realized the BS billing passing his desk. But then again, I guess you can’t arrest someone for being stupid or not having any morals.
Thank you for all of your time and hard work in getting the scoop and sharing it. So very appreciated. And the first paragraph cracked me up! You have a way with(bad)words.
AZ, I'm in awe of your perseverance to 'DRAGNET' through this network of LLC fact-crap whose creations are intended only to obfuscate. Fortunately for us, the arrogance and greed of these bastards bears out their stupidity in the end (think Whitmer and Wilkinson of the JP Scandals fame).
And yes, you are deserving of kudos once again.
No one will forget the Associated Contractors "repairs" to NOLA schools.
If you are associated with any of those guys, you're as tainted as the fish.
Rereading this, I wondered if perhaps you already had known about the Mardi Gras stands.
It seemed like familier information, and if it was something I'd read before, eight out of ten I read it here.
You've been following that scent for awhile now.
It is interesting to learn about Benetech's new contracts.
Now the funds for post Katrina reconstruction are drying up, I'm waiting to see which of these players are positioning themselves to get on the "green building" bandwagon.
The sucky thing about the con-profits is that they always sound like a good thing.
Sell out! From my source on the inside Mitch and Matt Wisdom must have you on a tight leash! or have you well gagged - seeing that you are Matt Wisdoms Best friend. If you cared about this city - which it is obvious you dont - you might have noticed a certain pattern emerging again: hiring of people from companies owned by Mitch's "transition" team with OUT Public Bidding. You might have noticed 2 weeks of no email - what's being hidden/destroyed by Mitch.
You Shame the Baron - maybe its time for the Dancer of Bones to knock at your door.
Same dishonesty, new paler face and the American Zombie has crawled back to his grave
Yeah boy...I "sold out". Or wait, doesn't that require receiving payment? Damn, I forgot to get paid.
You're an idiot. Yes I know Matt Wisdom, I even spoke with him about the history of the IT department when he was leading the transition team. I told him everything I know because I was hoping they could make things better...I did that because I do care about my city. If that's a sell out, I'm guilty as charged. And If I'm a sell out because I know Matt Wisdom (he is by no means by best friend) then yeah, you got me man.
As for the current email issue, I have no idea what is going on, I am as curious as everyone else, but I am currently working on the Mortgage and Conveyance crash...if you read the blog...which I doubt you do...you would know that. And on that note, I am a "sell out" because I'm actually getting paid by the publication to write that story. Fuck me for trying to feed my kids, huh?
As for Landrieu, I have no loyalty to him but I haven't seen any instance of corruption on his part. I think the prison deal stinks, but The Lens aired that out pretty good. And I did criticize Mitch's lack of presence in the mortgage and conveyance story on Humid Beings.
Still I haven't seen any instance of wrongdoing...if you have something let it fly. Are you suggesting that the email issue is a ploy or conspiracy? If it is then say it, yelling at me for not doing what you think I should be doing is pretty fucking arrogant and pointless don't you think? If you are suggesting there is mischief afoot, then tell us...let's air it out and see what people know. That's how the process works, there is no magical hat I put on and suddenly know everything that is going on in city hall....I talk to people, like Matt Wisdom....and I find out information which I in turn share on the blog and readers share more information. It's called crowdsourcing and all the cool kids are doing it, so instead of jumping up and down and pissing all over yourself why don't you tell us what you actually know about the email crash? As of right now, I know very little.
And "I don't care about my city?" Fuck you...really...fuck you. I'll beat your punk ass for that..seriously. Tell me who you are and I'll be happy to meet you face to face on that note. If you think I shame the Baron, come dance with me and find out, bitch.
Hurray, Zombie!
rattling bones rattling bones, you live in a grave expect dem rattling bones to come and great ya. Comtak, professional services, unpublished unannounced staffing. whose the owner of dat grave.you wept when nagin did it, and silent when buddy boy wisdom does it. troy oh troy how you love allen..and lost the election or did you indeed did you indeed. The Lens seems to know more than you-wanna-be dambala rattle dem bones around. months of tech all down down to a cold what files werelost when they werent served..makes you wonder wanna-be-dambala all you see is nagin wanna-be-wanna be you cannot beat up the dead where has the mail gone perhaps in your grave. Bushy brows on tv knows more than you wanna-be-dambala..ask your buddy boy wisdom whos bride is charged with keeping mitchy honest...oh boy oh boy rattle dem bones..no issues there of course...the dead keep their secrets.
Well, it doesn't seem we are getting anywhere with pissed off anon. However, let me make a few observations:
1. Anon said "troy oh troy how you love allen..and lost the election or did you indeed did you indeed"
-Anon reference to CIO Allen Square who used to work for Troy Henry. Not sure what is implied here but Do Tell Anon Do Tell.
2. Anon said "months of tech all down down to a cold what files werelost when they werent served.."
-not sure what is alleged here either but interestingly my city hall anon say John Kusion former Ciber employee who was at center of EmailGate was hired back two weeks ago. Not sure if he's working for City or TDC. Maybe anon can help us understand that. Is there a connection? Is it emailgate #2? Do tell Anon Do tell...
3. Anon said "ask your buddy boy wisdom whos bride is charged with keeping mitchy honest..."
- This statement is in reference to the fact that Matt Wisdom's wife works for the I.G. Is Anon saying that the Landrieu Admin has a cozy relationship with the I.G. department that may shield the administration from any wrong doing coming to light? Or is it that Matt may be using his wife to conjure up some wrong doing in IT or City Hall to clear the field for his or Landrieu friends to get some work? Don't know what to make of Matt's involvement with City and his wife working for I.G. but Do tell Anon Do Tell...
Hopefully, this will help you and Anon stay on track and unleash some wrongdoing to be corrected. And just for S&G I offer this observation:
Dambala said "Ray Nagin is fucked..."
- you are right and I will give you three reasons.
1. The first person Meffert and St. Pierre fucked over Bobby Savioe. Bobby ran SEA (later Apogen). SEA was the company that provided the cover for St. Pierre et al and served as the first contract vehicle through a cooperative endeavor agreement (cea) between the Naval Technology Center and City of New Orleans. When Meffert and St. Pierre conspired to move the business elsewhere (ACS/Ciber) Bobby was fucked out of the gig and ultimately left Apogen (now with Geocent) . Bobby is a long time Landrieu supporter and BFF.
2. The second person Meffert and St. Pierre fucked over was Mitch Landrieu. In the 2006 election, it was clear that St. Pierre et al single handed delivered the election for Ray. Without the last minute 500k raised in Chicago that St. Pierre and Ciber orchestrated Ray would have been a gone pecan. The late cash infusion helped Ray Ray get a last ditched get out the vote push to thousands of displaced Katrina evacuees in Baton Rouge and several cities outside louisiana.
3. Mary Landrieu "endorses" Jim Letten. This was the final nail in Ray's coffin. The last time ni*^%s get out of place and most likely the last time a black mayor holds office for sometime. How dare Ray Ray disrespect the Landrieu clan. Didn't he know that their Daddy is the reason Black folks ascended to power in the first place. First he and his cronies took money out of their friends pockets, then he denied the prodigal son his right to the throne. Damn Ray Ray... why you had to fuck with them folks? Ask them hi-yellas in the 7th ward how shit go. See they jumped in line quick. They undestand how this black/white shit goes down here. Ray Ray was new to this shit and thought he could recreate a power structure for his own benefit. It took years for Blacks to figure this shit out without getting caught (ala Morial) like white folks did for decades. Now they hand it over to Ray Ray and that n*&^% lost his mind. Not only did he fuck it up but he gave to White republicans. Damn Ray Ray...Why you had to fuck with them folks?
Now you got to do some time...
Well, it doesn't seem we are getting anywhere with pissed off anon. However, let me make a few observations:
1. Anon said "troy oh troy how you love allen..and lost the election or did you indeed did you indeed"
-Anon reference to CIO Allen Square who used to work for Troy Henry. Not sure what is implied here but Do Tell Anon Do Tell.
2. Anon said "months of tech all down down to a cold what files werelost when they werent served.."
-not sure what is alleged here either but interestingly my city hall anon say John Kusion former Ciber employee who was at center of EmailGate was hired back two weeks ago. Not sure if he's working for City or TDC. Maybe anon can help us understand that. Is there a connection? Is it emailgate #2? Do tell Anon Do tell...
3. Anon said "ask your buddy boy wisdom whos bride is charged with keeping mitchy honest..."
- This statement is in reference to the fact that Matt Wisdom's wife works for the I.G. Is Anon saying that the Landrieu Admin has a cozy relationship with the I.G. department that may shield the administration from any wrong doing coming to light? Or is it that Matt may be using his wife to conjure up some wrong doing in IT or City Hall to clear the field for his or Landrieu friends to get some work? Don't know what to make of Matt's involvement with City and his wife working for I.G. but Do tell Anon Do Tell...
Hopefully, this will help you and Anon stay on track and unleash some wrongdoing to be corrected. And just for S&G I offer this observation:
Dambala said "Ray Nagin is fucked..."
- you are right and I will give you three reasons.
1. The first person Meffert and St. Pierre fucked over Bobby Savioe. Bobby ran SEA (later Apogen). SEA was the company that provided the cover for St. Pierre et al and served as the first contract vehicle through a cooperative endeavor agreement (cea) between the Naval Technology Center and City of New Orleans. When Meffert and St. Pierre conspired to move the business elsewhere (ACS/Ciber) Bobby was fucked out of the gig and ultimately left Apogen (now with Geocent) . Bobby is a long time Landrieu supporter and BFF.
2. The second person Meffert and St. Pierre fucked over was Mitch Landrieu. In the 2006 election, it was clear that St. Pierre et al single handed delivered the election for Ray. Without the last minute 500k raised in Chicago that St. Pierre and Ciber orchestrated Ray would have been a gone pecan. The late cash infusion helped Ray Ray get a last ditched get out the vote push to thousands of displaced Katrina evacuees in Baton Rouge and several cities outside louisiana.
3. Mary Landrieu "endorses" Jim Letten. This was the final nail in Ray's coffin. The last time ni*^%s get out of place and most likely the last time a black mayor holds office for sometime. How dare Ray Ray disrespect the Landrieu clan. Didn't he know that their Daddy is the reason Black folks ascended to power in the first place. First he and his cronies took money out of their friends pockets, then he denied the prodigal son his right to the throne. Damn Ray Ray... why you had to fuck with them folks? Ask them hi-yellas in the 7th ward how shit go. See they jumped in line quick. They undestand how this black/white shit goes down here. Ray Ray was new to this shit and thought he could recreate a power structure for his own benefit. It took years for Blacks to figure this shit out without getting caught (ala Morial) like white folks did for decades. Now they hand it over to Ray Ray and that n*&^% lost his mind. Not only did he fuck it up but he gave to White republicans. Damn Ray Ray...Why you had to fuck with them folks?
Now you got to do some time...
1. Right I got that reference but I guess the only charge their is that it was a political favor. I'm not sure what else he's implying.
2. That's the conspiracy I guess? I think he's alluding that there is public record which is being scrubbed. If that's the case it's definitely heavy. I have heard that theory as scuttlebutt but I have yet to hear a specific reason why it is being scrubbed. I guess I'm just not ready to assume conspiracy when incompetence would suffice. It doesn't surprise me that this admin. is experiencing massive IT issues considering what they were left, but I agree that two to three weeks of this is fishy.
3. I think that's innocent...of course I am biased because I know and like Matt. I don't think there is any collusion with the IG's office and the mayor, I just don't see that but I could be wrong. And I'm very sure that Matt has nothing to do with the current IT department, he was just heading the transition team. So if there is a conspiracy to scrub the emails, I am pretty sure it has nothing to do with him. Square, I can't speak for or any other clandestine theory dude is suggesting.
Round 2:
1. That is great information, I was not aware of this. I assume you're referencing Savoie and Mitch relationship to push the notion that Mitch hated Nagin and Meffert?
2. Dude...that is huge story. You really think the 500k was the only thing orchestrated? I have received numerous accounts of election fraud. After all, it is Ciber...a municipal election would be easy compared to a presidential one. Yeah, now I'm on conspiracy train, but you should see some of the stuff I have on that.
3. That's one perspective. I appreciate your candor, but I'm not so sure I completely agree with that theory. I'm not quite sure who the 1st person is you're channeling.
Thanks for the meat, man...now we don't have to gnaw on bones.
- the only charge there
And just to summarize, The crime being suggested is destruction of public record? That's the theory? I just want to clarify.
Yep...when watching that film also notice that the security contractor for Ciber in the Florida region during the 2000 presidential election was based in Huntsville, Alabama. That is of significance because Bowling Pin Jones hired, LSI, the replacement camera contractor under "recommendation" from Ciber. LSI is also based in Huntsville.
Never mind "stars fell on Alabama", I'm waitin' on some anvils to start falling on people, like in the cartoons.
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