I'm still confused as to what failed. Was the data on a workstation or a server or a mainframe, as/400, what?? Also, did they ship the HD(s)off to someone that can crack them open to pull data off a single platter? Did someone screw up and turn the machine with the failed HD's back on a do more damage?
So. When the title companies stop having a big float in the escrow account, what happens and to how many of them? Just to add a little insult to injury.
I'm still confused as to what failed. Was the data on a workstation or a server or a mainframe, as/400, what?? Also, did they ship the HD(s)off to someone that can crack them open to pull data off a single platter? Did someone screw up and turn the machine with the failed HD's back on a do more damage?
no one has been able to get the exact details yet. I am still working on it.
So. When the title companies stop having a big float in the escrow account, what happens and to how many of them? Just to add a little insult to injury.
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