Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Comment Bump: Wow! June 30, 2012

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "12 or 12th?": 

It's listed as "twelth" with SOS - http://coraweb.sos.la.gov/commercialsearch/CommercialSearchDetails.aspx?CharterID=28588_A4C42

12th, Twelfth, "Twelth," Twelve ...

More interesting to me is this: http://landrieu.senate.gov/priorities/upload/0611109LHHS_Appropriations_Requests.pdf

But by 2009/2010 (see audits here: http://app1.lla.state.la.us/PublicReports.nsf/EC78C4475726D481862576EF0072A27A/$FILE/00015EE3.pdf + http://app1.lla.state.la.us/PublicReports.nsf/44FD4B67634301D08625783F00755CA9/$FILE/0001CBF9.pdf) the organization had morphed into a senior center, and the earmark Landrieu requested looks awfully out of place. 

This one is a big question mark.  Big.  BIG.  Really  BIG.

Here's why.

What anon is referring to is an earmark by Senator Mary Landrieu for $186,000 to Twelfth Ward Save Our Community Organization, Inc. out of the Senate Labor, Health, and Human Services Appropriations Bill for 2010:

What's important about this is the amount of money allocated to the entity and also the description of the services the 501c3 provides:

The Life Skills Program targets at risk males between the ages of 7 & 12  It is designed to teach life skills such as conduct and behavior, conflict resolution, intersex interaction, peer pressure, and academic appreciation providing alternative choices while promoting pro-social behavior.  The After School Tutoring Program targets youth between the ages of 7 & 17.  It is designed to assist its participants with academic assignments, classroom interaction, career orientation, conduct and behavior improvement.

Ok, so here is the 2010 audit of the entity:

Twelfth Ward Save Our Community Organization, Inc. 2010 Audit

No mention of the 186k but also the entity somehow became a senior citizen center instead of the definition of services provided by the nonprofit they filed to get the 186k Landrieu earmark.

Did they get the 186k?  Is this a bait and switch?  What the hell is going on here?

The reason I say it's big...this is federal money.  This is the kind of shit that could piss off the entire country.  Help me figure this out, dudes.

I'm guessing the money was never actually allocated to them.  I hope it wasn't.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Comment Bump: Wow! June 30, 2012": 

It didn't make it in the final bill. That is a huge long list of earmarks she wanted - but only a handful ever make it past the "request" stage and through the conference committee. 

A CTRL-F search through the Senate Bill shows that the Twelfth Ward earmark did not make it in. 


Anonymous said...

It didn't make it in the final bill. That is a huge long list of earmarks she wanted - but only a handful ever make it past the "request" stage and through the conference committee.

A CTRL-F search through the Senate Bill shows that the Twelfth Ward earmark did not make it in.

Anonymous said...

And we wonder why the murder rate is so high. These con-profiteers are traitors to their race, their neighborhoods, and to humanity. Couldn't they just skim a bit, but actually use some of the funds to help people out...even a little bit?

Anonymous said...

i plead the fif




Anonymous said...

On a completely unrelated note: http://law.justia.com/codes/louisiana/2011/rs/title33/rs33-9082/

The statute is a bit of a long read but well worth it. Maybe the most frustrating thing I've read so far.

And can freaking NO ONE come up with a standard way to name this organization? Now it's "Twelfth Ward Save Our Community Corporation."