Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hey Muppet...

Tell me again how smart you are.

I'm predicting that we're about to have a VERY exciting week.  I wish I could elaborate...but...fuck i just can't.

Incidentally, this is my 500th post.  What significance does that have?  Not a lot...but it looks like 500 turns out to be a sweet one indeed.        


Anonymous said...

500, in mysticism, is considered a master number. But I bet you knew that AsheDambala:)

Thanks for all your serious sleuthing work. Your blog is the JOINT!

Mojofearless said...

Congratulations, Ashe.

#TheLion said...

Fuck! I just elaborated too!!
Ashe, write me you savage thing! Yes it is going to be very exciting like Washington D.C. and the alphabet people exciting!!

Anonymous said...

Great job! I hope the Silicon Bayou is finally sunk!