Monday, October 03, 2011

I want to drone attack Baton Rouge

Gene Mills calls for transparency....unbelievable.  I guess he'd be willing to open up the LFF's book then, huh?


Clay said...

Bowling Pin Anthony Jones looks a little wobbly.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Yeah I saw that. I'm leaving Bowlin' Pin alone. I'd be gettin' shit-faced too if I was him. I ain't gonna go hatin' on Anthony any more.

Anonymous said...

At first I was like, "wow, these guys are buffoons." then I heard Alfred E. Neuman reference Jeffrey sadow, and I was all "shit, baton rouge sucks."

On another note, I've noticed some interesting divides in statewide politics emerge since the demise of the democrats. The nungesser/dardenne race is actually turning out to be pretty heated and here you have some jindal folks taking open shots at Kennedy.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Yup. It is getting heated. It only makes sense.

The Republican mind can't exist with a dichotomy to hold everything together. It's too scary for them to think any other way.

I think Dardenne is about to get his ass handed to him because he's myopic. That's just a prediction but I guess we'll see in 3 weeks.

mandinola said...

I received in the mail today the bankruptcy papers on William "Bill" Loiry. He's charging $450 per seat at his DC event Oct. 25th. FYI..... (sorry if it's not related to this story, just wanted to get ya the info.)

Jason Brad Berry said...

should have been...without a dichotomy

William Keleher said...

Jason, Your 10:46 comment is kinda ironic, no? A politically divisive comment, from a Democrat, about how the Republicans can't function without divisiveness?

Jason Brad Berry said...

I don't see it as divisive...I see it as reality. I think the majority of people who call themselves "conservative" are not capable of grasping complexity. They see everything in the world as right or wrong....dichotomized. I think that especially holds true in this state and that's why people like Gene Mills are so powerful.

You ever wonder why almost every talk radio show is conservative and democratic/progressive radio shows fail? Because the conservative mind needs to be told what to believe...they need to hear a "caudillo" regurgitate the party line over and over and over to reinforce their myopic view of the world. The progressive mind doesn't need to be told what to can see the complexity in the world and understand that not everything is black and white.

So back to Dardenne/Nungesser...which ever candidate is capable of polarizing themselves towards the "Gene Mills mindset" is going to win this race. Dardenne is at a disadvantage because he's Jewish (and is running a week campaign in my opinion) and this state is still full of David Duke disciples...people who need a caudillo to tell them how to think.

Dardenne is hedging and won't reach out to the Democratic base in the state....which I think may end up resulting in a loss. He needs to find a way to do that without looking like a "moderate" repub. I hope he figures it out soon because the thought of Nungesser holding the second highest office in the state...possibly the highest....scares the hell out of me.

Without a democratic candidate, this race will come down to issues of morality. We're already seeing that in the Sec. of State race...Schedler is trying to attack Tucker on abortion. What the fuck does the SOS have to do with abortion? Doesn't's an attempt to tap the conservative mindset which only sees the world as right/wrong.

That's how I see it....and it may or may not be accurate. :)

William Keleher said...

With all due respect - and for the work you put in on this site, respect is due - you don't at all see how "people who call themselves 'conservative' are not capable of grasping complexity" vs. "The progressive mind doesn't need to be told what to think" is itself a very "black and white" world view?

I don't want to lose the plot here; this kind of rambling isn't what makes AZ awesome. This space is better used for people who have actual info to pass on so you can keep blowing up corrupt douchebags who deserve it. So I will say just this and stand down:

Although I'm pretty liberal personally, I do know some damn smart conservatives. If you seriously don't know ANY intelligent and thinking people who would describe themselves as conservatives, then maybe you should consider widening your circle of acquantances. There are plenty of them out there, and while I frequently disagree with them to say that they all "need to be told what to believe" is just misinformed.

Jason Brad Berry said...

weak campaign....sic

Jason Brad Berry said...

-"I think the majority of people who call themselves "conservative" "

Please note that qualifier. I said I think "the majorit" but not all.

Jason Brad Berry said...

I was generalizing, absolutely. But I was careful to start the generalization with "the majority".

Jason Brad Berry said...

- "I don't want to lose the plot here; this kind of rambling isn't what makes AZ awesome. This space is better used for people who have actual info to pass on so you can keep blowing up corrupt douchebags who deserve it."

And with all due respect, Bill...this space is mine. If I want to ramble...I will ramble on like Robert Plant. There is room in my universe for more than exposing corruption. I don't walk around all day wondering what the St. Pierres and Mefferts of the world are up to.

I appreciate that you signed your name....that is rare and very cool. Peace.