Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy birthday to America and AZ

America turns 236 and American Zombie turns 6 today.

Hard to believe my first post was six years ago.  On July 4th, 2006, I unwittingly gave birth to what I refer to as my illegitimate child.  1,458 posts later AZ is averaging about 25k views a month.

Not close to the 1 million views a month gets but still not too shabby for a little, old blog.  BTW, contrary to Ricky Matthews' claim that is pulling in 4 million views a month...According to it's only pulling in 1 million and it looks like that number is sliding.

 I wonder if they're telling their advertisers that.  Still they dwarf the competition in the local market.

Anyway...Happy birthday to America and AZ.  As always I post my favorite Americana picture ever...Elizabeth Shue wrapped in a dirty Old Glory:

Ain't that America...


Charlotte said... sucks donk.....well, you know. On the other hand, you, my fine friend, do not. Happy anniversary and thanks for giving 'em all hell.

whitmergate said...

CONGRADULATIONS ... and KUDOS ... you are deserving of this community's respect for your unselfish pursuit of the truth .... tomorrow is another day ...

Anonymous said...

Congrats for AZ. I suspect's numbers will continually drop (other than during football season) as more and more realize that a daily diet of sports, puff pieces, and road closings in Harvey, seem to be all they're peddling.

Jason Brad Berry said...

Thankee, all.

Civitch said...

You have so much to be proud of. Thank you, from everyone, even those who don't realize the debt they owe you.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to AZ, Jason! July 4 is also the birthday of my family business, chosen specifically to mark independence. AZ celebrates independence, too, and it's a great and awe-inspiring thing. Keep up the great work!

Ms M said...

Congrats on 6 years of good work!

M Styborski said...

Happy Annie, sir… here's a little info and a mathematics prezzie for you!

Teh Info:
Ten days ago Alexa ranked NDC's incoming clicks from search engines at 8% (down from 26% two years ago) meaning roughly 92% of their clicks come from repeat visitors. (Clearly commenters keeping the home flamewars burning!) Today that percentage is at four. Overall NDC has had a 50%+ drop in traffic in the last two years, and their current numbers are near 50% down from where they were when the NYT broke the Newhouse Gang's dirty little plan.

Teh Prezzie:
In the last 12 hours, NDC has posted 47 stories, (counted by expanding all "more stories" on the NDC front page) so let's say they manage an even 90 stories/day. That averages out to 2737.5 stories/month which means NDC's million hits/month translates into about 365 hits/story.

TAZ averages about a post/day (Lazy Bastard Disclaimer: I only went back a week. You can crunch the numbers later if you want!) so that's an average of 30.42 posts/month. At 25,000 hits/month, each TAZ post gets about 822 hits. More than double the NDC rate. Not too fucking shabby, sir!

Of course, without actual numbers for all stories and hits the data is a bit flawed, but I'm betting it's still somewhere in the ballpark! Salud!

M Styborski said...

Happy Annie, sir… here's a little info and a mathematics prezzie for you!

Teh Info:
Ten days ago Alexa ranked NDC's incoming clicks from search engines at 8% (down from 26% two years ago) meaning roughly 92% of their clicks come from repeat visitors. (Clearly commenters keeping the home flamewars burning!) Today that percentage is at four. Overall NDC has had a 50%+ drop in traffic in the last two years, and their current numbers are near 50% down from where they were when the NYT broke the Newhouse Gang's dirty little plan.

Teh Prezzie:
In the last 12 hours, NDC has posted 47 stories, (counted by expanding all "more stories" on the NDC front page) so let's say they manage an even 90 stories/day. That averages out to 2737.5 stories/month which means NDC's million hits/month translates into about 365 hits/story.

TAZ averages about a post/day (Lazy Bastard Disclaimer: I only went back a week. You can crunch the numbers later if you want!) so that's an average of 30.42 posts/month. At 25,000 hits/month, each TAZ post gets about 822 hits. More than double the NDC rate. Not too fucking shabby, sir!

Of course, without actual numbers for all stories and hits the data is a bit flawed, but I'm betting it's still somewhere in the ballpark! Salud!

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the continuing NOAH scandal is aimed at the Jeager Foundation, Ray Nagin, and the Ellis clan?